My daddy always told me that my name is presidential. Reading and learning about the life of President Carter, I now understand why. He is loved, respected, admired and will be missed.
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- 01/04/2025

My first voting experience was voting for President Jimmy Carter, in 1976. I have always had great admiration for President Carter!!!! He set the bar high, and I personally wish that others would take his example, especially in government, and world affairs. Habitat for Humanity has saved my life in many ways. Thank God for Presdent Jimmy Carter, and Mrs. Carter, they made a great union.
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Shirley Denise
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- 01/04/2025

Carter was a great humanitarian. I remember when he won and the parallels drawn between my Louisiana family where my Great Grandfather was a peanut farmer who gave back to his community as well. Thank you for your service. Peace forever
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- 01/04/2025

He was a man with hippie ideals. My favorite President. Sending love to him and his family.
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- 01/04/2025

It’s an honor and privilege to have worked for Habitat for Humanity. Your passion for this organization has inspired so many to join in this mission. Thank you for setting such a fine example for others to follow. Well done good and faithful servant. Rest in peace!
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- 01/04/2025

My first Habitat International Board meeting was in January in Americus. President Carter was there...not as a board member but just to greet us and invite us to attend his Sunday school class at his Baptist church in Plains. Who would turn down that invitation?! Many of us went the next day and I was fortunate enough to sit next to Mrs. Carter....with a huge Secret Service gentleman between us. During the class, President Carter asked a Biblical question and I thought I should offer the Presbyterian point of view! He thanked me but informed me my answer was only partially correct! Ah well. Shortly thereafter I leaned over the SS bulk and asked Mrs. Carter where the ladies restroom was. She gave me quick but friendly instructions and I left the class. Followed her directions down the hall, past the shuttered kitchen to where I needed to be. Upon my return as I passed the kitchen area I noticed a chart on the wall and being curious in nature, stopped to look at it. It was a church KP chart for the upcoming week. And there in the middle of the duties was the word Vacuuming and next to that Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter! The former President of the United States assigned to vacuuming!!? As I returned to my seat I knew in my head that the Carters would be at the church to complete their assignment! And in my heart, I cemented the lesson he had just taught matter who you are and what “big” things you have done or are doing, it's the small, everyday things you do for others that count. President Carter and I had opportunities to work together but this incident was so important: and no, I don't remember the Biblical verse under discussion!! But I do remember to do a complete a random act of kindness for or to someone every day.
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- 01/04/2025

Hon. President James Earl Carter Jr. Thank you for all your work, attention, care and service for those who need help and support to make their lives, health, stability, giving them a light to hold on, believe of a betterment of their future. May heaven give you the star to become an Angel be able to look out for your (Students). Those who learned from you not to look race, language but to feel the humane care for other and each other. R.I.P. MCH1-4-2025
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Ms. Maria Celia
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- 01/04/2025

He was a true gentleman that has shown a nation how they should act. I am very proud to have lived during his tenure as president. I was always impressed by his manners and decorum. President Carter will be missed.
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- 01/04/2025

We were so blessed to have a Christ-hearted president that saw all mankind as equal. My prayers are that we see more leaders like him may his soul rest in peace.
— Anonymous - 01/04/2025

What a great man and a great leader and legacy.
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- 01/04/2025

I voted for President Carter in 1976. He inspired me to be aware of the needs of others. President and Mrs. Carter cared so much for the American people and people around the world. They were our North Star. Rest in peace. God bless you both and thank you.
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Mary F.
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- 01/04/2025

With heartfelt sympathy.
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- 01/04/2025

Thank you for your dedication to this cause. You both are a true example of what it’s means to be of service to others and to your community with genuineness and humility. May you rest in peace knowing you’ve inspired many to volunteer and give back to their communities.
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- 01/04/2025

I am humbled by the opportunity see you put the life of Jesus into action. Your works and deeds throughout your life stand as a shining example of what a truly decent person can achieve through dedication, integrity and commitment. Thank you for serving our country - and the world - throughout your life.
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- 01/04/2025

Mr. President, thank you for your leadership, for being a great humanitarian, your caring heart, work ethic, strength and exemplifying what real true love is in marriage. You made us Georgians proud! You are now our (Georgian's) guardian angel. Please continue to watch over us from heaven. I know our heavenly father said, JOB WELL DONE! Tell Rosalynn we said hello! You will be missed.
— Anonymous - 01/04/2025

President Carter was not only a spiritual man of strong faith but also a great humanitarian who spent his entire life serving others. His legacy, along with Rosalynn’s, will be for eternity.
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James Brian
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- 01/04/2025

What an inspiration for living a life of service. I was a college student during his presidency and I must admit, I was a pretty unaware person. As I have since followed his retirement career the last 40 years I truly found a role model for living a good better best life. Habitat is a wonderful legacy that he leaves. I am a proud supporter of Habitat for Humanity physically and financially.
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- 01/04/2025

Rest in peace to a very humble man. You will remain in our hearts forever.
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- 01/04/2025

I am eternally grateful for President Carter's life of service. His inspiration lives on in my life and in the lives of so many around the world.
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- 01/04/2025

In summer of 2004 I took my high school/college age choir to Americus, Georgia, to work on a Habitat for Humanity build. We helped with construction of a community center there. And WOW was it hot!! We also did numerous concerts in the area. On Sunday we did a concert at President Carter's church and had the privilege of meeting him and Millard Fuller. What a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for all of us! We felt so honored that both of these great men would be present for us.
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- 01/04/2025

I think him and wife were really amazing people we all should take their legacy and work harder to help the people in this country in need. We have a lot to do and everyone could chip in to help, this country could be a better off and it helps everyone! Like domino effect. Please help wherever you can. Please!
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- 01/04/2025

President Carter was a great president and a great man. I was thrilled to meet him and Mrs. Carter at a Habitat for Humanity build in Detroit, Michigan. He was ahead of his time as president, bringing renewable energy to the White House, and advocating for social justice and women's rights. He set the highest bar for what it means to be a decent person and public servant.
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- 01/04/2025

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter showed how faith in action works. I learned from them. They are missed. Who among us will be next to have such enormous impact on us?
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- 01/03/2025

My aunt worked on a habitat house with President Carter in 1994. I grew up hearing her stories about him and his thoughtfulness, work ethic, and eagerness to help others. I am honored that he touched my family in such a thoughtful way, as he did many others. God Bless him.
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- 01/03/2025

President and Mrs. Carter both led amazing lives. Thank you, President Carter, for a lifetime of service - a life well lived! I am honored to work helping to support the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project.
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- 01/03/2025

I served on the Board and Family Selection Committee of Habitat in Montgomery County, Maryland, for five years. Those were the most rewarding volunteer years of my life. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter were incredibly inspirational in their devotion to Habitat and its mission.
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- 01/03/2025

Three decades ago, a Vietnam Veteran told me that Jimmy Carter had founded a great NGO to help people build their own homes. He was not quite accurate, but his notion led me to work with Habitat. It was the highest honor to witness the kindness, humility and faith of President and Mrs. Carter building homes in Haiti in 2011 and 2012. God bless him and grant him peace.
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- 01/03/2025

I was 15 years old when the Carter-Torrijos Panama Canal treaty was signed. I remember my sister’s husband driving us to the top of Cerro Ancon that night. The large American flag that for years sat atop the highest point in the city, was being replaced by an equally large Panamanian flag. It was such a moment of pride at being Panamanian. Thank you Mr. Carter; what an incredible human being.
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- 01/03/2025

What inspirational leaders, President and Mrs. Carter. Your hard work, honesty and commitment to serving and helping others will be your legacy. Thank you.
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- 01/03/2025

Thank you, President and Mrs. Carter for being role models for the world. You have been a shining light in the history of the United States, in your life, your presidency, and as a former first couple. Through your outstanding life examples, you have shown how important it is to be truthful and decent, and to care about all of humanity.
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- 01/03/2025

Truly created in God's image as he lived out his faith. Respected all people as children of God. Blessed to work with him in a Philippines Habitat build in 1998.
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- 01/03/2025

Jimmy Carter was an openly Christian man of faith and one of the most virtuous presidents (and best examples of what a good man looks like) this country has ever had.
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- 01/03/2025

Jimmy Carter was an openly Christian man of faith and one of the most virtuous presidents (and best examples of what a good man looks like) this country has ever had.
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- 01/03/2025

He was a funny guy, who loved to make people laugh. He could never stop tell us jokes at the beginning of the workshop.
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- 01/03/2025

I am proud to have been a supporter of Habitat for Humanity, both physically as a regular construction volunteer, and financially through monetary support since 2003. I share the passion for this humanitarian program for which the Carters have, very importantly, used their influence to support and highlight its importance.
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- 01/03/2025

Do we remember him as “Jimmy”, or “Mr. President”? Fortunately we can remember him as both: a down-to-earth, down-home fellow who was our neighbor and friend, even if we never got to meet him, and our elected leader of the free world, if only for four short years. We're also fortunate that he and Rosalynn elevated the exposure and success of Habitat For Humanity to make it a household name.
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- 01/03/2025

We have all been blessed by President Carter's interaction with HFH and its volunteers. He certainly did his part to change the world for the better. Long live his legacy.
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter not only professed faith in Christ through his words, he lived out his Christ-informed convictions in service to others, especially toward “the least of these.” He modeled for all of us what it looks like to live a life for others as Jesus did.
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- 01/03/2025

My first Carter Works project was in 2005 in Michigan. I was part of a large contingent of Willow Creek church members. President Carter gave some opening remarks & afterwards met the attendees. I was able to shake his hand. I felt honored while he was very proud of the crowd assembled. One of his sons came to Grand Rapids to bless the 4 homes we'd built. That week over 200 homes were built.
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- 01/03/2025

I really admired President Carter. As a college student during his Presidency, I felt the moral impacts he focused on, which defined the man, even when many in the country went against his policies. He has always been a President I respected and supported, even more so based on his humanitarian work. Commander in Chief, I will miss you!
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter, I have always regarded you with great admiration, as President as well as an example of how we all can give to the betterment of humanity by supporting the basic human need for a safe and secure home. As a Habitat homeowner of over 40 years, I am most grateful for your contributions to Habitat and the world.
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- 01/03/2025

My parents had a story they loved to tell though not a Habitat story. They had driven as octogenarians to Plains to see where they lived. As luck would have it, they drove by the Baptist church and Mom made Dad stop as she needed to use the facilities. She saw Rosalynn raking leaves and asked her if it would be all right. She said, “Go right in and Jimmy will show you where.” Highlight of their trip
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- 01/03/2025

Great man great president
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter - your amazing work after your service to country is the standard that all future Presidents should be held to. Lord Jesus, holy and compassionate by dying you unlocked the gates of life: please welcome our brother into the glorious light, joy and peace in heaven where you live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter: ‘You lived life to the fullest’. Although I never got to personally meet him I am a proud TC Habitat homeowner because of people like him. Thank you for all you did. Rest in Power!
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- 01/03/2025

It is a blessing to celebrate the life of a great leader who always took a STAND for the least of these in society. President Carter will always be in my heart. 💜
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- 01/03/2025

Thank you for the opportunities you gave me to maintain your home (painting etc..) I appreciate the time spent with you and the fact that you gave me and my business the opportunity and high honor to work for you. Thank you for the support kindness and wisdom you shared with me while we performed our work and thank you for the repeat business and respect you showed me.
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter were true humanitarians in the most authentic sense and put the needs of others before their own. They were great leaders worthy of admiration and emulation. They will be missed.
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- 01/03/2025

Jimmy Carter’s personal example fueled a global movement for affordable housing and dignity for the recipients. President Carter thank you, and enjoy your next journey.
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E Clarke
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- 01/03/2025

President Carter’s contributions to Habitat for Humanity's mission remains an inspiring legacy, uniting communities around the world to build not only homes, but hope for future generations.
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- 01/03/2025