President Carter in red bandana and blue Habitat shirt shaking hands with man in front of Habitat house

Stories of service

When people think about Habitat for Humanity, most also think of President Jimmy Carter. For more than 30 years, his story and ours have been intertwined. Decades of build sites, decades of house dedications, decades of anecdotes and meaningful moments. 

“Everyone,” he said, “has a hunger to make our only God-given life significant.” This collection of stories captures the tremendous impact of President Carter’s life and his Habitat legacy. 

Since 1984, Habitat’s Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project has touched lives around the world.

The Carter Work Project will continue in memory of President and Mrs. Carter, honoring their legacy of inspiring dedication and service.

In Memoriam

As we celebrate the life of our most famous volunteer, hear how he described what Habitat for Humanity meant to him. 

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Habitat Humanitarians: The Carters

Since 1984, President and Mrs. Carter have been champions and groudbreaking voices for affordable, decent housing for all, donating their time and leadership each year to build and improve homes through Habitat’s Carter Work Project.

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Carter Work Projects through the years

Since 1984, President and Mrs. Carter have been building and advocating for affordable housing alongside Habitat for Humanity for over 30 years. Journey through the incredible legacy of Carter Work Projects!

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