Hear how President Carter described what Habitat for Humanity meant to him in this video.
Those fortunate enough to ever hear President Carter talk about his work with Habitat often saw him do it with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.
When he was on site, he wanted to build because he enjoyed the tasks — but also because he understood that change could have a blueprint, just like any other construction project. Driving a nail was steering a future. Raising a wall was sounding a call.
The beauty of his spirit, however, was that he never allowed these ideas to become mere abstractions. He was simply pitching in, standing shoulder to shoulder with someone who needed a hand, someone very much like him.
“We’re all the same folks,” he once said. “We all want the same for our children — a better life, one that’s filled with excitement and challenge and hope and self-respect, a better prospect for the future.”