President Carter smiling on Habitat build site wearing hard hat, red bandana, and bright blue Habitat shirt

Honoring a life of service

President Jimmy Carter, 1924-2024

With President Carter’s passing, Habitat has lost one of our leading voices and one of our most tireless volunteers. 

As we join the world in mourning the death of a statesman, an activist, a friend and one of our inaugural Habitat Humanitarians, we look back at the life of a man who made a difference, celebrating the houses he helped build and the lives he helped change — including ours. 

“We are deeply saddened by President Carter’s passing, and our prayers are with the Carter family,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. Read the full press release.

In Memoriam

As we celebrate the life of our most famous volunteer, hear how he described what Habitat for Humanity meant to him. 

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Honoring a legacy

Your donation will help Habitat honor President Carter’s legacy by continuing to work towards our shared vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.


Sign the memory book

Sign the memory book

We invite you to join us in remembering President Carter’s remarkable legacy. Share how you’ve been inspired by President Carter’s life and service and read others’ stories in our memory book.

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Stories of service

Hear from homeowners and volunteers who worked alongside President Carter and learn more about all he helped Habitat accomplish.

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