As long as life goes on – hope remains

Kateryna lived with her family in southern Ukraine near the city of Kherson. They had a very happy life: a large house, her husband owned a furniture company, and she worked in a large chain of stores as an IT manager. The family always spent their free time together. Kateryna liked to do something for her children: she kept inventing new games, different decorations.

Kateryna lived with her family in southern Ukraine near the city of Kherson. They had a very happy life: a large house, her husband owned a furniture company, and she worked in a large chain of stores as an IT manager. The family always spent their free time together. Kateryna liked to do something for her children: she kept inventing new games, different decorations. She made piñatas, paper flowers and many other things for them. She often baked for the children their favorite cake.

“For me, the most important thing is family, and to it I devote myself completely. This is my whole world,” says Kateryna.

Kateryna has two wonderful children. Her son Artur, 11, is an exceptionally gifted boy. Right from birth he was curious about the world around him. He started reading at an early age and has always loved books. From early childhood he had an extraordinary imagination. As he grew older, new passions arrived. Artur loves computers and programming, sculpts from clay and draws beautifully. In Ukraine, he was involved in swimming, played chess, and attended Aikido classes. He speaks English very well and is now learning Polish. He also took a liking to robotics!

Ukrainian refugees in Hungary

His sister Sonia, 3, was born healthy, but over time the family noticed a developmental delay. Sonia is disabled and has a condition of involuntary eye movement.

“As a mother, I felt that something was wrong with my child in the first hours of her life, but later it became obvious. Special motherhood is a very serious test for mothers,” shares Kateryna.

Sonia underwent expensive tests, treatments and rehabilitation. The family spent all their savings on the child’s therapy. Many of their dreams and plans had to be put on hold. But despite everything, they did not give up and the results are there: Sonia started walking at the age of 3 years and 2 months. She does not speak yet, but she is already saying simple words. She understands everything and is a very polite and calm little girl.

“Sonia, despite the pain she went through, has incredibly good energy, some kind of inner extraordinary harmony! With the arrival of my daughter in my life, I learned to find in myself extraordinary reserves of strength. Because I cannot give up if she is suffering. I want, and need, to do everything for her to have a happy life.” adds Kateryna.

The family had to evacuate and leave everything they had behind. Their village has been destroyed and right now there is nothing to return to. The last three days before leaving were extremely difficult. The family spent two days in the basement. There was constant shelling.

“More than the shelling I was afraid for my sister. Sonia was very scared and cried all the time,” says Artur.

Ukrainian refugee boy in Hungary

The family arrived in Poland on March 18 and reunited with friends who have been living in the country for over seven years now.

“As long as life goes on – hope remains! I believe that someday I will return to my hometown, see my family and friends again,” says Kateryna, full of emotion.

The family learned about Habitat for Humanity from a Polish woman who hosted Kateryna’s friend at her home. Habitat provided them with a cozy apartment with a small garden, where the children play in the summer. There is a school, stores and, most importantly, a clinic nearby.

“I am very grateful for this help! I don’t know what we would have done without it. I accepted the help with the thought that once we overcome our difficulties, I will do everything to help more people,” notes Kateryna.

This year’s Christmas will be very difficult for the family, without relatives and friends with whom they have always celebrated this special time.

“For me, Christmas is a family holiday. We’ve always spent Christmas with our dear ones. But I am very happy that everyone is alive and well. I dream that we will get together soon,” concludes Kateryna.

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“Your house is your home.”

At the sound of sirens, three-year-old Marta ran to her mom and grandma’s side, begging them to help her get dressed and put her shoes on so she could run to the bomb shelter. But there was no need. The family was safe in Warsaw, Poland.

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As long as life goes on – hope remains
sofia from ukraine in hungary

As long as life goes on – hope remains

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Ukrainian girl in Hungary

Is a housing renovation wave in Hungary possible?

It is not an exaggeration to say that energy efficiency has become a central issue almost all over the world today. Already in 2015, the European Commission set out the principle of ‘Energy Efficiency First’ as one of the EU’s founding principles, but the unprecedented rise in energy prices in recent months has brought the concept of energy efficiency even more into focus.

This article is an extract of the Research results of RenoHUb project and experiences of RenoPont, the first Hungarian one-stop-shop written by Adrienn Tóth, Fanni Sáfián PhD and Ádám Bölcsföldi.

It is not an exaggeration to say that energy efficiency has become a central issue almost all over the world today. Already in 2015, the European Commission set out the principle of ‘Energy Efficiency First’ as one of the EU’s founding principles, but the unprecedented rise in energy prices in recent months has brought the concept of energy efficiency even more into focus. In 2020, Hungary’s energy intensity was 1.8 times the EU-27 average (Eurostat, 2022), meaning that Hungarian consumers used 1.8 times more energy per unit of GDP.

multi apartment building

According to estimations by experts, approximately 100-130 thousand apartments would need to be refurbished each year in order to modernize the building stock, whilst the actual yearly renovation rate is far lower in Hungary, representing less than 3% in case of shallow renovations, less than 1% medium renovations (resulting in 30-60% energy savings) and approximately 0.1-0.2% deep renovations (resulting in more than 60% energy savings) (Szórádi, 2020).

The other problem is that in most cases energy renovations are carried out reactively, without a technical plan and without the involvement of experts, usually after something breaks down. The consequence is frequently that no significant improvement in energy efficiency is achieved. Suboptimal solutions are carried out, which do not exploit the potential of a certain building for energy savings and thus lock it in higher energy consumption for decades (lock-in effect). It is therefore necessary to change renovation habits and to encourage renovators towards complex renovations based on technical designs that exploit energy saving potentials (Illésné Szécsi et al., 2021).

damaged roof

This realization led to the creation of the RenoHUb project, which aims to stimulate a renovation wave and help renovators maximize the savings potential of their property. RenoPont, a one-stop-shop advisory network supporting the energy renovation of residential buildings, was established following other one-stop-shop models successfully operating in several European countries.

A series of background studies were carried out to understand the needs of homeowners who want to energy renovate their flat or house and how to help them most effectively. The results showed that the main motivations for renovators are aesthetics and comfort and that renovating an average family home can increase its market value by 20%.

The project started in November 2019 and is being currently implemented under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, though the service is aimed to be self-sustained by April 2023, which is the end of the project period, thus contributing to a more environmentally and socially sustainable future in a profitable way.

Read more about RenoHUB and other on-the-ground initiatives towards Just Energy Transition in the latest REE Observatory publication ‘Rethinking energy efficiency in time of an energy crisis’.

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Energy efficiency

Habitat for Humanity is working with USAID to pioneer new ways to help communities overcome the legacy of poorly built, energy inefficient housing stock of multi-apartment buildings, and to create strong, stable and healthy communities for the future.

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Learn more about what advocacy is, why advocacy is important and the ways Habitat for Humanity is advocating for safe, affordable housing.

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Is a housing renovation wave in Hungary possible?
building before reconstruction

Is a housing renovation wave in Hungary possible?

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building before reconstruction

Share the good things

Arpad provides solidarity accommodation for people who fled the war in Ukraine through a joint program by Habitat for Humanity HungaryFrom Streets to Homes Association and The City is for All. When the war began in late February 2022, Arpad felt the urge to help and made a conscious decision when considering his options.

Arpad provides solidarity accommodation for people who fled the war in Ukraine through a joint program by Habitat for Humanity HungaryFrom Streets to Homes Association and The City is for All. When the war began in late February 2022, Arpad felt the urge to help and made a conscious decision when considering his options.

“Volunteer work was not an option for me since I do not have much spare time. I saw a Facebook post by accident about solidarity rentals for refugee families so they can get mid-term accommodation. I knew this was the best way for me to help. After offering the extra flat we had, I felt I did everything I possibly could. It is amazing when someone does volunteer work, but for many of us this is not an option while raising kids and having a job.”

Arpad in front of the apartment in Budapest

Arpad provides temporary accommodation for people who fled from the war in Ukraine through a joint program by Habitat for Humanity Hungary, From Streets to Homes Association and The City is for All.

Arpad and his wife Klara signed up as a host family through the solidarity accommodation program.
“When our relatives found out about our plan to offer a solidarity rental, they became concerned. They listed all the arguments against it.” However, Arpad and Klara are not worried about any potential damages or losses. He says, “If you feel the urge to help, you should find a way that works best for you. You should only give as much as you can.”

“Everything happened so fast. A couple of days after we applied, the program operators reached out to us. There was a mom and her 17-year-old daughter who were looking for a place to live in Budapest for a few months.”

At that time, the couple was still renovating the second apartment that they bought a few months ago. The renovations could not be completed by the time a woman from Ukraine and her teenage daughter moved in in mid-March. But Arpad still managed to paint the walls.

The refugee family came from eastern Ukraine, close to the Russian border in an area that is badly affected by the armed conflict. Both the mother and daughter are quiet and keep their distance.

homeowner from Budapest renting his apartment to refugees from Ukraine

Ensuring privacy and dignity

“The family plans to settle in for the long term, they do not want to leave Budapest. They have started to look for jobs; the mother now works as a cleaner in a school. We live in the same building, but we do not talk or meet often. In my opinion, when I provide accommodation for a family, I also need to ensure their privacy. In the beginning, we brought them a couple of things, but it made them rather uncomfortable.  We want to respect their boundary and let them keep their dignity. I feel it is better to give them space.”

If we will be able to provide further accommodation to the family after the contract expires, of course we will do so. If not, we will help them to find another one. Also, we do not mind if anything will be slightly damaged in the flat by the time they move out. We think it is more important to make sure these families do not have to spend weeks or months on the street. Especially those who came from a war zone and experienced such horrible things.”

Share the good things

According to Arpad, a priest once told him, “Should you get any good, share it with others. Should you get any bad, keep it to yourself and turn it into something good.”

“I try to live my life by this principle. If there is anything I can give to someone, I will not keep it to myself. I would rather give it to someone in greater need. Of course, we could use the income from renting the apartment. But comparing our needs to this family’s, we would happily give up that money for a while,” says Arpad.

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As long as life goes on – hope remains

Kateryna lived with her family in southern Ukraine near the city of Kherson. They had a very happy life: a large house, her husband owned a furniture company, and she worked in a large chain of stores as an IT manager. The family always spent their free time together. Kateryna liked to do something for her children: she kept inventing new games, different decorations.

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“Your house is your home.”

At the sound of sirens, three-year-old Marta ran to her mom and grandma’s side, begging them to help her get dressed and put her shoes on so she could run to the bomb shelter. But there was no need. The family was safe in Warsaw, Poland.

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Habitat for Humanity issues statements on the Ukraine war

February 24, 2022

“We at Habitat for Humanity continue to pray for the people of Ukraine as we watch the disturbing images of deadly attacks on the country. We are deeply concerned that the violence will claim more lives and force more families from their homes.” Jonathan T. M. Reckford, President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity International

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Share the good things

Share the good things

a story of Arpad - homeowner from Budapest

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arpad sits in front of his apartment in Budapest

Inside one of the biggest Roma slums hope arises

More than seven thousand Romani, colloquially referred as Roma, consider Lunik IX district in Kosice, their home. Tucked in the southwestern suburb of Slovakia’s second largest city, the isolated and neglected ghetto is one of Europe’s largest Roma slums.

More than seven thousand Romani, colloquially referred as Roma, consider Lunik IX district in Kosice, their home. Tucked in the southwestern suburb of Slovakia’s second largest city, the isolated and neglected ghetto is one of Europe’s largest Roma slums.

A city plan gone wrong

Urbanization efforts began in 1978 in Lunik IX, with the original housing estate designed for 2,500 inhabitants. Under the then socialist state, flats were either state-owned or under cooperative ownership. Those seeking housing were required by the local city national committees to meet certain requirements or join a coop and hence make financial payments.

corn building in Lunik IX

In an effort to maintain peace and force Roma families to assimilate, authorities tried to enforce a 60:40% rule whereby the ethnic majority and Roma minority would live side by side. The methodology was set up for failure from the beginning as the authorities allocated flats to Roma families haphazardly, without understanding or taking into account social rivalry and tensions amongst the various Roma groups. As a result, extended families were separated from each other, and enemies ended up becoming neighbors. Sometimes most basic interactions, even crossing the street at the same time, would cause fight to break out. As the area’s troubling reputation grew, other ethnic groups gradually moved away. This, along with growing racism towards Roma groups, paved the way towards full segregation and the ensuing neglect of the area.

The emergences of the Roma slum

The segregation was seen at all levels in the society. Out of the two nurseries in the district, one was restricted to Roma children only. And while older children attended schools in different parts of the city, an elementary school solely for Roma children opened in 1983. The original capacity of the school, capped at 300 students, was exceeded more than twice in 1999/2000 forcing the school to run two shifts.

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Unofficial estimates suggest that at some point, Lunik IX housed more than 11,000 people; sometimes cramming 30-40 people in three or four-room flats. Overcrowding in living spaces and poor hygiene have also caused numerous epidemic outbreaks from head lice to hepatitis. The overcrowded setting is made more bleak by an unemployment rate that surpasses 90%.

Authorities contributed to further degeneration of the ghetto when it was decided to move people in debt, homeless and other problematic citizens to the Lunik IX district. Unpaid energy, utilities, and garbage collection bills rose to thousands of euros. In 2008, authorities carried out remediation of the first two apartment buildings due to structural damage, and several others followed later.

Pope Francis visits Lunik IX

During his papal visit to Slovakia in 2021, Pope Francis included a visit to Lunik IX, bringing the state authorities, local municipalities and media attention to the marginalization and poverty of the Roma population.

mural on Lunik IX

Mural painting symbolizing that that beauty and tenacity find their way even in difficult conditions.

Preparations for his visit included clearing piles of garbage around apartment buildings that had reached in height the first floor and multiple reconstructions of roads and pavements. Artists painted a mural on one of the apartment buildings featuring drawings of flowers that grow between the cracks in walls, collected by the children in the ghetto: symbolizing that beauty and tenacity find their way even in difficult conditions.

A beam of hope

In 2021, a partnership between the municipality, private sector, and NGOs kickstarted a project enabling construction of family houses in Lunik IX. The project resulted in the completion of a community center, which includes a space dedicated to activities for children and families.

community center in Lunik IX

ETP Slovakia recently finished construction of a community center that will host clubs and workshops for Roma children and other activities aimed at Roma integration.
Photo credit: Daniel Sabol / ETP Slovensko

Shortly after the opening of the community center, the first Roma family started building their new home. With support of Habitat for Humanity, ETP Slovakia, a local nonprofit organization, runs the community center and provides supervision, consultations and legal advice, as well as microloans for home improvements. Other partners, such as Wienerberger Slovakia, have provided donation of construction materials such as bricks, bringing down the overall building expenses by half.

Skepticism towards the project amongst the community has quickly shifted and more families have expressed interest in microloans. If families meet the selection criteria, enroll in financial literacy training and successfully set aside money for more than one year, more families will be enabled to self-build a decent place to live.

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Building capacity for greater impact

“We used to have very small apartments,” Alma Mushi says of Albania’s Communist period from 1944 to 1991. Alma serves as deputy marketing director for Fondi BESA, Albania’s largest microfinance institution. “In my father’s house, there were eight or nine people living in two rooms and one kitchen. Everyone was living like that, with two or three sons (and their wives) in the same small apartment.”

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Building capacity for greater impact

Valbona Xhafa, regional manager at Fondi BESA, emphasizes the deep cultural value placed on homeownership in Albania: “We Albanians are very sensitive about our houses. We all want to [own] houses. That’s what it means to live well.” This widespread desire for better living conditions drove Fondi BESA to introduce a new housing loan product in 2021, backed by an investment from MicroBuild. The initial rollout of this product faced challenges, as Alma notes: “We’d had the product for more than a year, but we were hardly disbursing any housing loans.”

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Inside one of the biggest Roma slums hope arises
buildings in Lunik IX

Inside one of the biggest Roma slums hope arises

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buildings inside one of the biggest Roma slums in Europe - Lunik IX

ComAct shortlisted for the EU Sustainable Energy Week Award

On September 26, 2022, ComAct partners participated in the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Award Ceremony after having been selected as one of the three finalists in the local energy action category. In total, twelve outstanding projects, chosen by an expert jury for their innovative approach to energy efficiency and renewables, have been competing in four categories.

On September 26, 2022, ComAct partners participated in the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Award Ceremony after having been selected as one of the three finalists in the local energy action category. In total, twelve outstanding projects, chosen by an expert jury for their innovative approach to energy efficiency and renewables, have been competing in four categories. Over 12,000 votes have been casted in a public vote that selected the winners of this prestigious award.

European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson praised all EUSEW Award finalists, commenting that the event takes place at an extraordinary time as going clean and digital has never been so urgent for energy security, for protecting our citizens and for our future energy system: “We are facing a challenging winter and we need inspiring stories from people dedicated to working towards achieving a fair and clean energy transition.”

We are honoured that ComAct’s innovative approach, focused on engaging local communities, combined with sharing financial support and technical knowledge, has been recognized by the European Commission, as part of their European Sustainable Energy Week Award. Our project provides tangible benefits in terms of energy consumption, energy efficiency and air quality. It is replicable on a large-scale and we hope more countries will soon adopt this model,” commented Zita Kakalejcikova, Residential Energy Project Manager at Habitat for Humanity.

Watch a short video introduction of ComAct Project.

In a context of soaring inflation and energy prices, more households will be affected by energy poverty in the coming months, and countries in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region and in the former Soviet Union republics (CIS region) are no exception. This region has the most energy-poor people in Europe, due to high energy prices and poor energy efficiency of the buildings, heating systems and household appliances. It also has a high share of multi apartment family buildings, making renovation works more complex and difficult to undertake without coordinated action.

ComAct aims to develop a new approach to make interventions affordable, substantially influence energy costs and consequently reduce the high energy poverty level in the CEE and CIS region. What makes ComAct stand out is that it tackles energy poverty using three main dimensions: by activating communities, by developing and adapting financial tools and by optimising technical solutions that provide most favourable cost-benefit ratio for multi apartment buildings. Present in five pilot locations Hungary, Bulgaria, Republic of North Macedonia, Lithuania and Ukraine, ComAct partners directly engage with energy-poor households and all relevant key local stakeholders. These pilots will demonstrate applicability, benefits and potential for alleviating energy poverty in the 5 countries.

The Fit for 55 package and 2021 recast EPBD proposal stress the importance of energy poverty alleviation. Despite welcoming the increasing attention of the Commission for energy poverty, there is a need for a more comprehensive and tailored coverage of energy poverty in EU policy. ComAct calls for an EU-wide definition of energy poverty, a crucial step in order to monitor at national level, share best practices and take concrete steps to alleviate energy poverty. In the first phase of the project, ComAct created a new understanding of energy poverty in the context of multi-family buildings in the CEE and CIS environment.

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Happy and healthy in a Habitat home

The moment their Habitat for Humanity home was completed, Gabriela, Valentin and their 2-year-old daughter, Evelina moved in – even though it was Christmas Eve. “We were so excited to start the new year in our home,” says Gabriela. So excited, in fact, that the young family only brought a mattress and Christmas tree with them on move-in day.

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Finding Laughter Again: Syrian Family's New Life in Jordan

  In 2012, Mustafa’s typical day as a cab driver in Syria took an abrupt turn. During a routine exchange with a passenger about the ongoing war, he made a passing jest about a statue of the Syrian president. This offhand remark led to his arrest and brutal imprisonment two days later.   

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ComAct shortlisted for the EU Sustainable Energy Week Award
Comact Eusew Awards winners

ComAct shortlisted for the EU Sustainable Energy Week Award

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people receiving prize
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