Tithing partners
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Habitat for Humanity’s tithe program supports carefully chosen building and shelter projects that provide housing in the world’s poorest places. Tithe funds allow families to stand on their own and build stronger, more stable communities.
We designated these places as Low-Income Tithe Priority Program Countries or LICs.
Habitat affiliates who want to support or partner with our international development programs channel undesignated funds to their country of choice through our U.S. Habitat for Humanity International Tithe department. Tithe is one of the most effective ways U.S Habitat affiliates can support our ministry overseas.
Why should we tithe?
A few hundred dollars can make a big difference. A decent home in Malawi, for example, can be built for as little as US$5,290. The home that serves at least 5 individuals comes complete with a ventilated improved pit latrine and family support related training.
Even a small, regular donation of undesignated funds will support several people. A regular allocation of the 10 percent target could transform an entire community.
All tithe program funding goes directly to support programs in these countries. Through our tailored programs, our international operation ensures the funds are used efficiently and effectively to better the lives of people living in poor communities, without spending money in administration charges.
Even with all of these efforts, the need for decent shelter remains great.
Please contact Habitat for Humanity to find out how you can tithe to help people in poor communities and in disadvantaged circumstances.
Find out more
USA or EMEA: Contact [email protected]
“No matter how much we like to think our work is local, the work we do really affects our mission everywhere. And that is why I believe our tithe is so essential to our mission. Tithe is not sending your affiliates money to support someone else’s work. Tithe is your work, just as much as the house you build in your community. In fact, many Habitat homebuyers here in the U.S. escaped from horrible situations in their home countries to create a better life for their family in America. Habitat is working in most of these countries, making improvements so that people don’t have to leave, and don’t want to leave.”
—Steve Messinetti, President and CEO of Habitat Portland/Metro East in Oregon
“Indian River Habitat for Humanity in Vero Beach, Florida, a 22-year-old affiliate, is a fine example of an affiliate that went from ‘home-builder’ to ‘community-builder’ in a matter of a few years. This all took place at the same time we started to think and give globally in a more liberal fashion. It was a conscious decision of the board and staff in 2002-2003 to increase the tithe to 10 percent. The organization believes that it’s an act of faith to tithe and feel we have been rewarded for our faithfulness.”
—Andy Bowler, President and CEO of Indian River Habitat for Humanity in Florida