a boy from Kenya smiling

Housing Finance Forum

Uganda, 11-12 July 2018


Speakers and presentations:


Session 1: Market-levers to support the expansion of housing microfinance portfolios

This session was moderated by Kecia Rust, Executive Director and Founder of the Center for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa.


Session 2: Insitutional-levers focused on opportunities and challanges to expand housing microfinance portfolios

This session was moderated by Ryth Odera, Regional Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Habitat’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter. 


Session 3: Segment-levers focused on expamding affordable housing produicts and services to new market niches

This sessions was moderated by Kevin Chetty, Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa and Habitat’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter.


Session 4: The Impact of Affordable Housing Finance to Improve Quality of Life of Low Income Families

Presented by Sandra Prieto, Global Director of Operations and Financial Inclusion at Habitat’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter: Terwilliger Center presentation


Session 5: Integrating Different Housing Value Chain Stakeholders to Expand Affordable and Adequate Housing in Africa

Presented by Ruth Dueck-Mbeba, Senior Program Manager for Financial Inclusion at Mastercard Foundation: Mastercard Foundation presentation