Whirlpool Corporation sponsors Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific Housing Forum

This global housing forum is a major feature of the multifaceted partnership between Whirlpool Corporation and Habitat for Humanity International. Whirlpool Corporation is the Global Gold Sponsor of these housing forums, which focus on building resilient cities and communities, innovative housing solutions and technologies, advancing sustainability in the housing sector, and financing affordable housing.

Home Equals

Home Equals is a five-year global advocacy campaign committed to achieving policy change to ensure that people living in informal settlements have equitable access to adequate housing. Together, with partners, governments and communities, we can create lasting change.

Climate resilience

We support policies that reduce vulnerabilities and help people adapt to climate-related hazards and threats.

Secure tenure

We support policies that prevent eviction, support renters and protect the land and property rights of women, indigenous groups and vulnerable people.

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