The solutions
The factors related to creating more affordable homes — supply, credit, land and communities — are interconnected, and policies that address challenges related to affordability impact multiple elements.
The Cost of Home campaign was built on four areas of policy focus detailed in our Cost of Home policy platform.
During the campaign, local Habitat organizations achieved 460+ policy changes, enabling 9.5+ million people to have greater access to affordable homes. Read the Urban Institute’s assessment of how these were achieved through six key strategies.
The Cost of Home campaign increased home affordability
by influencing policies focused on:
Increasing supply and preservation of affordable homes
We support policies that increase the production, preservation and accessibility of homes that are affordable for lower-income households.
Equitably increasing access to credit
We support policies that increase and broaden access to safe and sound credit for underserved populations.
Optimizing land use for affordable homes
We support policies related to land acquisition, use and development that bring down the cost of building, promote fair housing, and fully reflect community needs.
Ensuring access to and development of communities of opportunity
We support policies that protect and strengthen neighborhoods and enable communities to thrive.
Cost of Home federal policy agenda
The Cost of Home federal policy agenda outlined 10 high-impact federal policy solutions that Habitat was collectively advocating for to significantly improve access to safe and affordable homes.
Learn more about opportunity vouchers and federal incentives to accelerate state and local zoning reforms — two of the top priorities that were in the campaign’s federal policy agenda.
We urge policymakers from the local, state and federal levels to support comprehensive packages that address the increasing cost of housing across the rental and homeownership spectrum to meet the needs of low-income individuals and families nationwide.
Habitat organizations that implemented Cost of Home
The following Habitat affiliates across the U.S. participated in the Cost of Home campaign and worked in partnership with coalitions and policymakers to influence policies to increase home affordability. Though the campaign has concluded, the advocacy and policy work is continuing nationwide to further influence policy and systems change at all levels of government.
These Habitat state organizations implemented the Cost of Home campaign and are continuing to support affiliates in their state to influence state-level housing policy:
Alabama Association of Habitat Affiliates
Habitat for Humanity California, Inc.
Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of Colorado
Habitat for Humanity of Florida
Habitat For Humanity of Georgia
Habitat for Humanity of Illinois
Habitat for Humanity of Indiana
Habitat for Humanity of Kansas