The Cost of Home campaign would not have been possible without the partnership, engagement and support of our campaign collaborators. We are grateful to their commitment to address the nation’s housing need.
Campaign cabinet
The campaign cabinet was composed of nationally recognized leaders in housing-related fields, representing academia, business, philanthropy, government, nonprofit and religious institutions. They provided strategic advice, facilitated connections to aligned organizations and individuals, and worked to ensure a sustainable campaign.
Former campaign cabinet chairs
Jonathan Reckford
Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity International
J. Ronald Terwilliger
Trammell Crow Residential Chairman Emeritus, Habitat for Humanity International Board Co-chair, Cost of Home Campaign Cabinet Chair, Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS) Advisory Board
Former campaign cabinet members
Arthur Blank
Co-founder of The Home Depot Foundation, Owner of the Atlanta Falcons
Wesley Brooks
Homeownership Lead, Housing Access and Affordability, Wells Fargo
Jimmy Carter
39th President of the United States, honorary member
Henry Cisneros
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary
Matthew Desmond, Ph.D.
Maurice P. During Professor of Sociology, Princeton University
David Dworkin
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Housing Conference
Renee Glover
Founder and Managing Member of The Catalyst Group, LLC
Chris Herbert, Ph.D.
Managing Director, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
Pamela Klyn
Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations and Sustainability, Whirlpool Corporation
Dan Letendre
Senior Vice President, CDFI Lending & Investment, Bank of America
Katherine O’Regan, Ph.D.
Professor of Public Policy and Planning, New York University Wagner
Pamela Patenaude
Former United States Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Tony Pickett
Chief Executive Officer, Grounded Solutions Network
Richard Rothstein
Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Policy Institute and Senior Fellow (emeritus), Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Megan Sandel, M.D.
Associate Director of Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine
Rosalynn Carter
The late Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady of the United States served as an honorary member
Former sponsors
We extend our thanks to the following organizations and individuals for their generous financial support of Cost of Home.

J. Ronald Terwilliger
Stanard Family Foundation

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Walter and Alice Abrams
Mark Jackson
Robert and Diane Lang
Organizational endorsers
Organizational endorsers of the Cost of Home campaign support the campaign goals and collaborate with Habitat for Humanity to influence housing policy and systems at all levels of government in the U.S.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies
National Association of REALTORS®