unlocking new housing solutions
Housing Finance Forum in Uganda
To unlock new housing solutions for more people in Sub-Saharan Africa, financial institutions, donors, investors, and other housing market actors have to come together. Habitat for Humanity’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter and Mastercard Foundation are planning to do that at the Housing Finance Forum that will take place in Kampala, Uganda on 10-12 July, 2018.
The Forum will explore new ideas on expending housing markets for the low-income groups in Sub-Saharan Africa. Habitat for Humanity will present a business case for housing microfinance and its learnings from the ground-breaking project Building Assets, Unlocking Access.
Find out more about the Housing Finance Forum program and venue details.
Housing finance in Sub-Saharan Africa
There are several challenges of making housing finance accessible in Sub-Saharan Africa. Shortages and poor quality homes are pervasive among the predominantly rural populations. High urbanization rates across the continent are stretching limited supplies of adequate housing and urban land, driving costs and making homes unaffordable for low income residents.
To understand the situation in the region, read Africa Yearbook by the Centre for Housing Finance in Africa.
Building Assets, Unlocking Access in Kenya and Uganda
The project Building Assets, Unlocking Access has offered affordable housing solutions for families in Kenya and Uganda. It has supported over 42,000 households and mobilized over US$ 33 million in capital to benefit over 210,000 individuals.