thank you

for making a difference in 2017

We want to say thank you to our generous donors and volunteers. 

Habitat’s global mission was made possible thanks to your generous contributions and the hands and hearts of more than 2.1 million volunteers.

We were able to empower millions of individuals through shelter. 


Here are top 2017 highlights: 

  • We improved the housing conditions of nearly 3.5 million people worldwide. 
  • An additional 2.6 million individuals have the potential to improve their housing conditions thanks to our advocacy efforts and the information and training that we provide. 
  • Habitat partnered with millions of people in more than 1,300 communities in the United States and across more than 70 countries.
Fiscal year 2017 numbers of improved housing around the world
Thank you for all that you have done to help us. Learn more about our work in the 2017 annual report.