made by people
sustainable cities for all
Cities’ growth should not be a random thing, but a well-planned process that ensures equal opportunities and decent housing for all inhabitants. We are driven by the growing socio-economic gaps in cities and aim to help translate the global visions of fairer cities into reality.
The United Nations adopted a global framework for sustainable urban development - New Urban Agenda - that commits world leaders to provide basic services for all citizens including decent housing. To turn this vision in reality, decision makers must create adequate national urban policies, municipalities must financially support it and people must take action in their everyday lives.
“It is about each of us, how we behave every day. Whether with care, and whether what we do professionally, we do with all our hearts. This is sustainability to me in urban development.”— Elena Szolgayova, Director General at the Slovak Ministry of Transport and Construction.
Citizens Voice
If done in a participatory way, urban planning can reflect all - the real needs of inhabitants, interests of different groups and national policy goals. In Bratislava, Slovakia, the current candidate for city mayor, Matus Vallo, has presented his book Plan for Bratislava at about 30 public meetings. He says that people are getting more interested in what is happening in their neighborhood and the role of participation is growing.
In Africa, on the other hand, many cities do not have any urban policies or frameworks. Despite its cities growing at an uncontrolled speed, the focus has been mainly on the rural areas.
“We need extra support from European countries to make the New Urban Agenda realistic and achievable.” says Mathabo Makuta, Country Director, Habitat for Humanity Lesotho. She also emphasizes the importance of involving citizens in the decision making from the early stages of planning.

Mathabo Makuta, Habitat for Humanity Lesotho, at the panel discussion Urban Development: Building Cities for All.
The panel discussion Urban Development - Building Cities for All launched Habitat for Humanity’s project Build Solid Ground funded by the European Union. It was organized by Habitat for Humanity International and Euractiv Slovakia on 23 May 2018.
This page is created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Habitat for Humanity Europe, Middle East and Africa and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.