woman and man in africa

2020 – Homes, Communities, Hope, You

Even as COVID-19 significantly impacted Habitat’s ability to build at full capacity — and likely will continue to do so in many locations well into 2021 — we still have seen great progress and positive results. In fiscal year 2020, we helped more than 5.9 million people build or improve a place to call home, and through training and advocacy, an additional 9.9 million gained the potential to improve their housing conditions.

Annual Report 2020 online

Stories and news

Transforming lives in Nepal: Safe homes and empowered communities

Where would you sleep, live, and raise your kids without a safe place to call home? Adequate housing is recognized as a human right. Yet, in Nepal, nearly half of the population lives in substandard housing conditions, hindering their opportunities for social and economic advancement. Like many in her country, 29-year-old Pramila, a devoted mother of two, intimately understands the impact of this challenge.  

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We are helping to transform empty spaces into homes

Have you ever considered the sheer number of unused commercial and business premises scattered about? Just picture this: Rather than constructing new houses and apartment complexes, why not repurpose these vacant spaces into warm and welcoming homes for those struggling to find a decent and secure place to live?

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