rely on REELIH
Residents across Central and Eastern Europe insulate their homes, cut individual energy bills and improve their building’s grim exterior through the REELIH project funded by the USAID.
Residents across Central and Eastern Europe insulate their homes, cut individual energy bills and improve their building’s grim exterior through the REELIH project funded by the USAID.
Housing microfinance “is all about being small scale, affordable and lending responsibly. And it is working,” writes Habitat’s Kevin Chetty for the online site Place.
Gender inequality creates obstacles for many women who want to build their houses and earn an independent living. For them, land-ownership rights are a foundation for an independent life.
We call for gender parity and commit to put young schoolgirls and women at the heart of our water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives. Without proper sanitation facilities, they tend to miss school or dropout from classes.
Partnership-for-action conference addresses need of land ownership for women in Africa.
NBA Family and Habitat for Humanity South Africa joined hands to build homes for local families in Lenasia South.
At our conference in Africa we discussed the need to view land differently – not in purely technical terms, but to find solutions that are pro-poor, gender-responsive, accountable and sustainable.
With the support from the Slovak development agency, Habitat for Humanity rehabilitated and improved six schools.
Cities are being transformed by digital technologies, smart applications, robots or driverless cars. But can smart technology also tackle mass urbanization and overcrowding?
On 23 May 2018, at the panel discussion Urban Development - Building Cities for All, we will talk about the impact of mass urbanization on cities, the importance of intelligent urban planning and innovative housing solutions.