Independent women

Gender inequality creates obstacles for many women who want to build their houses and earn an independent living. For them, land-ownership rights are a foundation for an independent life.

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More than just a house

Job’s cheerful face and deep respect for people belie the hardships that he, his siblings, and mother had to endure. “Our future changed when my mum heard about Habitat for Humanity at a church meeting,” Job said.

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Securing the Future of Lesotho's Orphans

The Kingdom of Lethoso is a dichotomy. Tourists are amazed by it breathtaking views of mountains and valleys. But 70% of the country’s population of 2 million, of which 300,000 are orphans, live in poverty.

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A quiet leader who put others first

Listening to Tavitha Njeri Kibiru quietly describe what she went through following the 2007 post-election violence in Kenya was chilling. In one day, Tavitha’s life went from being a wife and mother of six to that of a hunted person and refugee.

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Community Development

Ethiopia is one of Africa’s top performing economies. which has lead to rapid urbanization. In Woreda 8 neighborhood in Addis Ababa, more than half of the residents live in informal settlements with no access to clean water and sanitation.

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