Home Sapiens podcast

A new podcast series takes listeners on a housing journey around the world.  People face many challenges in their lives: lack of drinking water, gender inequality, and harsh living conditions. However, one thing stays the same - everyone needs a place to call home. 

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Building Solid Ground

Habitat’s Compendium of Best Practices for Housing in Africa, produced by the EU-funded Build Solid Ground project, documents positive stories of change in the areas of adequate and affordable housing, including basic services, land tenure and slum upgrading.

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Nominated for Campaign of the Year

Our photo exhibition It All Starts at Home: Women and their Fight for Shelter has been shortlisted for the Digital Communications Awards in Europe in the category NGO Campaign of the Year.

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It all starts at home

Life journeys of women all around the world start at home. Some are more challenging than others, but all the women share an unbreakable will to live in decent conditions. Discover their stories. 

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Housing loans for all

Let’s #ThinkTwice why housing loans remain a privilege for the few. Watch our debate live on Facebook @HabitatEMEA this Wednesday 19 June at 1 pm CET. Find out how housing microfinance addresses inequalities.

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Life-changing days in Lebanon

“Even during my short time in Lebanon, I was able to witness households transform into more liveable homes.” Habitat for Humanity’s volunteer Catarina is reflecting on her time spent in Lebanon.

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She owns - we prosper

Allowing women in Africa to own land and houses would help reduce homelessness and slum area growth. They have raised their voices about it in Brussels during the European Development Days.

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