Habitat for Humanity International’s 2012 Shelter Report highlights disaster planning and long-term recovery

Hundreds of millions vulnerable to disasters according to report

Washington/Bratislava (October 3, 2011) —Habitat for Humanity International today released its “Shelter Report 2012 - Build Hope: Housing Cities after a Disaster.” The report highlights the urgent need for safer urban housing conditions to improve resilience and recovery after disasters.

“Communities with inadequate housing built near natural hazards are disproportionately affected by disasters,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. “This impact to low-income families can be mitigated with sound community planning and safer construction standards both before and after disasters occur.”

The Shelter Report details the importance of planning for long-term recovery as a part of disaster response, particularly in urban and developing areas with large populations that have grown rapidly. According to the report, the number of urban residents worldwide living in areas vulnerable to earthquakes and cyclones will grow from 680 million people in 2000 to 1.5 billion people by 2050. In many of these areas, infrastructure cannot keep up with population growth, leaving families with little or no access to adequate shelter, healthcare or basic human services in the wake of disasters.

The report also underlines the pivotal role housing plays in disaster recovery and explores many of the obstacles to rebuilding permanent housing. Housing, not only provides much needed shelter for those affected or displaced in a disaster, it also tends to facilitate other aspects of recovery. Safe, adequate shelter has a positive impact on human health, therefore leverages the investment of food and medical aid.

Obstacles to disaster recovery that inherently exist in urban, developing areas need to be taken into account during disaster planning and recovery. Poor infrastructure and densely populated areas lead to increased amounts of rubble and dangerous conditions for residents who lack adequate shelter after a disaster. Land tenure issues and poverty make it difficult to rebuild and recover, often resulting in residents deserting the area in hopes of finding better conditions.

Citing specific examples of areas in recovery, such as Haiti and the devastating impact of the 2010 earthquake, the report outlines how planning for permanence during rebuilding creates a more solid path to recovery for residents, families and entire communities. Strategic actions such as improving the integrity of housing structures to withstand disaster and employing local residents for reconstruction will help to rebuild homes, communities and economic stability.

In the report Habitat emphasizes that organizations involved in humanitarian shelter assistance incorporate long-term strategies in recovery efforts; prioritize coordination within and among different sectors providing disaster response; and identify land tenure solutions before disaster strikes or the reconstruction process begins.

Habitat for Humanity International unveils its report on World Habitat Day designated by the UN to draw attention to urban housing issues. Recognizing World Habitat Day continue throughout the month of October, culminating with Habitat’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project being held in Leogane, Haiti in early November. The former US President and First Lady will joint more than 100 volunteers to build permanent houses in Haiti.

Copies of the 2012 Shelter Report are available online here.

About Habitat for Humanity International
Habitat for Humanity International is a global nonprofit Christian housing organization that seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Since 1976, Habitat has served more than 500,000 families by welcoming people of all races, religions and nationalities to construct, rehabilitate or preserve homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. For more information, to donate or to volunteer, please visit www.habitat.org , or follow us atwww.facebook.com/habitat or at www.twitter.com/habitat_org or join Habitat’s blog community at www.habitat.org/blog .