<p>Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village program works to ensure that trips are well planned and coordinated, safe and constructive for volunteers. The ultimate purpose of Habitat Global Village trips is to improve the housing conditions of families around the world and provide volunteers with rewarding experiences and cultural exchange opportunities.</p> <p>Each Habitat Global Village volunteer pays a program cost that is used in the following ways:</p> <p>Building program A portion of the program cost helps to further Habitat’s homebuilding work by supporting program coordination and local construction. </p> <p>Volunteer logistics A portion of the program cost covers logistics, including accommodations, meals, local transportation and some local cultural activities.</p> <p>Volunteer team coordination A portion of the program cost covers on-the-ground trip coordination by a trip leader and the Habitat host program. Expenses may include on-the-ground staff costs, translators, orientation materials, first aid supplies and a team leader’s expenses.</p> <p>Health and safety A portion of the cost covers a <a href=”https://www.habitat.org/gv/tci.aspx”>travel medical insurance policy</a> and assistance in case of crisis for trips outside the United States. All program costs include a minimal contingency fee for emergencies.</p> <p>The program cost does not include:</p> Participant airfare. Rest and recreation activities beyond local cultural activities. Visa and exit fees (not applicable for all destinations). Trip cancellation insurance. <a href=”http://www.habitat.org/gv/tci_faq”>Read our trip cancellation FAQ</a>. <p>More information on payment policies:<a href=”/sites/default/files/gv_payment_policy.pdf”>Payment policies and procedures (943KB .pdf)</a></p> <p><a href=”/support/tax_faq.aspx”>Read more</a> about tax information.</p>