Lenten Devotions 2025
Lent is a season of 40 days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and ends the Saturday before Easter.
It is a time of preparation, of self-examination and of reflection as we journey toward the cross.
The devotions in this collection, designed so that you can use one for each week of Lent, focus on putting our faith into practice.
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Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7
Week 1
In order to go up, we must go down
By Natosha Reid Rice
This devotion was originally shared in 2014, and is presented in its original format.
In 1173, work began on a freestanding bell tower in the city of Pisa, Italy. After the second story was completed, builders realized that the tower’s foundation, at only 3 meters deep, was not adequate and was built on weak, unstable subsoil, causing the tower to lean to one side. Construction was halted in 1178 to allow the soil to settle beneath the structure and was not resumed until 1272, almost a century later.
During construction, many techniques were used to try to correct and compensate for the tilt, but nothing worked.
The builders were so intent and focused on getting the building up that they did not spend the time and resources to go down and build a solid foundation.
In the familiar parable found in Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus gave clear instructions about constructing a proper foundation.
Perhaps it is too late to create adequate support for the bell tower in Pisa, but we can always practice disciplines that draw us closer to God and deepen and strengthen our foundations of faith. Lent is the perfect occasion to focus on prayer, Bible study, selflessness and service, and to reflect on the ministry of Habitat for Humanity.
As an organization, are we digging deep enough for a firm foundation? We cannot merely set our sights on a grand strategic plan; we must also dig deep, both as an organization and as individuals. We must dig deep in our own Habitat spaces.
Digging deep requires us to go beyond pretense and appearance to authenticity. We must live out our faith.
Digging deep requires us to go beyond our level of comfort and dive into something more meaningful.
Digging deep requires us to go beyond ourselves and to serve God first.
Our diligence now in drawing closer to God and drawing strength from His mighty power will keep us strong when the rains come, the streams rise and the winds blow. Building a firm foundation will enable us to reach higher and stretch further as we seek to obey God’s commands.
Natosha Reid Rice is vice president, Global Housing Opportunities and Mission Engagement, at Habitat for Humanity International. She is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Dear Lord, we thank You for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful Habitat ministry. As we work to make Your love and hope a reality for many, help us to dig deep in our faith and reach beyond ourselves to provide safe spaces for others to dwell and prosper. During this Lenten season, may we reflect upon and be energized by the transforming power of Your life and witness in the world. Please help each of us to remain rooted and established in Your love so that we are not swayed or discouraged by daily challenges, but press on to accomplish the great work You have called us to do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
- To what disciplines are you committing during Lent?
- What is the purpose of committing to one or more disciplines?
- How will that practice help you deepen your foundation of faith?
- In what areas will you dig deeper at work and in your personal life?
Week 2
Lessons in faith, hope and love
By Laura Ferent
This devotion was originally shared in 2014, and is presented in its original format.
Whenever I have an opportunity to be around Habitat for Humanity families, I am reminded of three things that are the foundation on which our lives are built: faith, hope and love.
In my recent visit to Ethiopia, I had the privilege of visiting an incredible project aimed at integrating leprosy-affected people and their families into communities. The story of love shared among homeowners was a vivid expression of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
Stigmatized by society, leprosy-affected people become outcasts and are forced to beg for a living. The husband and only breadwinner of the family I visited fell sick and could not go out and beg for a few days; therefore his family, a wife and 4-year-old daughter, had no food to put on the table. Seeing their challenge, the neighbors brought them food and gave them a little money to get through this difficult time. The Habitat homeowner could not believe the love and care extended to his family. They were not only accepted, but embraced by the rest of the community.
I am humbled by the lessons we learn from the people we encounter on our journey with Habitat — lessons of love, faith and hope, which bring us closer to the spirit of this holy season. Easter is the main Christian holiday in the Orthodox Church in both Ethiopia and Romania, where I come from. During Easter, we are reminded that the Crucifixion was not the end of the story. The Resurrection is the completion of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins.
It was God’s great love for us that led Jesus to the cross. Even as Jesus prepared for that agonizing moment, He also sought to prepare the disciples for what was ahead. His commandment in John 13:34 to love one another is also a crucial message for us. Love for one another is the reason homeowners share with each other, and it is the focus of volunteers, donors and staff members who are committed to the vision of eliminating poverty housing. Let us be reminded of God’s love and the way we can share it with others around us.
Laura Ferent is director, Organizational Development and Culture, at Habitat for Humanity International. She is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
God, let us be reminded of Your love and Your call to love one another as You love us. Let us share our love with the ones around us, for it will strengthen our relationships and our trust in a better world, a world that can tackle the enormous need for decent shelter. Let us be inspired by Your love, and allow us to continue Your work so that we bring hope and faith to our world.
- What lessons of faith, hope and love have you learned on your personal journey with Habitat?
- What does the story of the leprosy-affected people tell us about Habitat’s impact on communities?
- How have you seen love manifested in Habitat’s work?
- How can we continue to make love actionable in Habitat?
- Have you experienced a time when someone unexpectedly shared God’s love with you in a tangible way? If so, what did you learn from that experience?
- Between now and Easter Sunday, what will you do to share God’s love with others?
Week 3
Simple ways to offer hope
By Sherry Eiler
This devotion was originally shared in 2018.
In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. About that time she became sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room ... All the widows stood around [Peter], crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them. Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes and, seeing Peter, she sat up.
— Acts 9:36-37, 39-40, New International Version
The pastor’s wife at the church I attended as a child was named Dorcas. She is the only Dorcas I have ever known. My memory of her is much like the woman described in Acts 9. She was very dedicated to the youth in our church — including my three brothers. She considered them all to be her children, and I remember that she often opened her home to them.
In our Scripture, we read that the Dorcas Peter knew was a disciple full of love for Jesus. She showed that love to the widows in her community by providing clothing for them. She was a humble example of using her talents to serve God by providing for the needs of others.
Each of us has been given talents and abilities that we can use to serve. For example, I have a personal passion for the homeless. Many of those who live on the street suffer from mental illnesses, and I know firsthand what pain that can cause. My father suffered from a mental illness for over 40 years. My mother was a faithful, giving wife, and my father always had a home, but for many of the mentally ill, that is not the case.
When I travel to Atlanta for work, I try to have many dollar bills on me, along with a tract that tells about God’s love. When I am approached by homeless people, I can offer them hope. The opportunity to bring hope is also why I give to Habitat for Humanity from each paycheck. Habitat’s first mission principle is to demonstrate the love of God in action. Dorcas shows us clearly that we can do that in specific ways — according to the gifts we have been given.
During this season of Lent, let us follow the example of Dorcas as we focus on the kind of agape love that calls us to act selflessly for the well-being of others.
Sherry Eiler is a capacity building grant officer at Habitat for Humanity International. She is based in Plains, Georgia, USA.
Dear Lord, make us mindful of the gifts You have given to us and the passions that You have placed on our hearts to help others. Help us to be faithful in serving You. Let us open our hearts to reach out to those who do not know You. Amen.
- Do you possess a seemingly ordinary skill — like Dorcas’ sewing — that you could use to show God’s love?
- What issues or concerns are you deeply passionate about? How is that drawing you to action?
- What prevents you from taking actions that demonstrate the love of Jesus? What will you do to change that?
Week 4
Serving in ways you might not have imagined
By Lisa Marie Nickerson
This devotion was originally shared in 2018.
You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.
— Mark 12:32-33, New International Version
Habitat for Humanity provides a uniquely wonderful means for volunteers and homeowners to serve one another in communities. I recently returned from a Global Village trip to Prince Edward Island, in Canada, where I was able to work daily alongside a future homeowner. As we worked together, our team began to understand her story as she learned about ours. Every day, the homebuyer’s mother and sister brought our team a delicious homemade lunch. Her neighbors also dropped in periodically to observe our progress and show appreciation.
The volunteers who wanted to be a part of this experience also demonstrated a servant heart as they fundraised and used their own resources to travel great distances to serve in the building of this community.
So many people were touched by this experience — the volunteers, the homeowner and her neighbors. All of them exemplified the agape love of Christ.
During this season of Lent, let us focus on the unconditional love of Jesus that inspires us to act selflessly in the service of one another. Let us recall the parable of the Good Samaritan and remember that Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor as ourselves. When asked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus described a story in which a man was robbed, beaten and left half-dead. After two religious leaders passed him by, it was a Samaritan — a stranger — who fed, clothed and cared for the man.
In Luke 10:36-37, we read, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him — and Jesus intends for us — to “go and do likewise.”
Lisa Marie Nickerson is associate director of the Women Build program at Habitat for Humanity International. She is based in Americus, Georgia, USA.
Everlasting God, please remind us daily of who our neighbors are and guide us to serve one another in Your love. Strengthen Habitat as it brings together volunteers, homeowners and neighbors to build strong and stable homes and communities.
- Can you think of a time when a stranger served you in an unexpected way?
- In what specific ways are you demonstrating Jesus’ commandment to love one another?
- What are ways that Habitat opens doors so that we can show agape love in our communities?
Week 5
Our lives transfigured
By Lisa Lefkow
This devotion was originally shared in 2020.
Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
— Matthew 17:3-4, New Revised Standard Version
The story of the transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 is one of my favorites. After all, who doesn’t love a story that includes Peter wanting to build a bunch of little houses in that moment of extraordinary commotion?
As we journey on our Lenten road, this Scripture does so much more than amuse me, however. Here, we encounter the fullness of the Trinity — God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit — and we acknowledge the importance of the moment.
Through the appearance of Moses and Elijah, representing the law and the prophets, Matthew reminds us that we must cherish the gifts of the past as we continue to move into God’s future led by the Holy Spirit.
In this day when Habitat organizations are faced with pressures of finding ways to serve more families and of being relevant in our various contexts, it is critical that we honor our core values and our foundational principles. We must continue to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in all that we do. A primary part of that demonstration of love is to act in ways that are radically inclusive.
Muriel’s home dedication brought this reminder to life for me. Muriel had been born into a prominent Nicaraguan family that was persecuted by the Sandinistas. His brother was murdered in front of the family, and the parents paid a coyote — a person who smuggles migrants — to bring Muriel to the United States. With political asylum, he worked two full-time jobs for years to save enough money to bring his wife and children to join him.
Once reunited, they focused on their future by becoming Habitat homeowners. At their home dedication, Muriel, speaking in broken English, delivered a heartfelt message of gratitude. “I came to this country as a stranger,” he said. “But today, I look at all of you who have helped make this dream come true and see only brothers and sisters.” Among those gathered were members of the Temple, faithful Christians, other individuals with great faith, and some of no faith at all. Also present were donors, volunteers and supporters who hailed from different countries and who had skin of varying tones.
The last line of our Scripture text may raise an eyebrow for those of us who want to shout about God’s love from the mountaintop. A quote often ascribed to St. Francis of Assisi is “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Too often, we talk a good talk but fail to walk a faithful walk. In reminding Peter, James and John not to talk about their experience, I hear Jesus reminding me to simply live out the Gospel imperative: “Stop talking and love everyone, just as God does.” In this, our lives are transfigured, and we move closer to God and God’s future of hope and promise.
Lisa Lefkow is the chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity of Collier County. She is based in Naples, Florida, USA.
God of all, You have called us Your children, woven us into one family and endowed us with various gifts. As we travel along our Lenten journey, help us to remember the gifts of the past and to recognize the importance of these foundations. May we continue to grow in our demonstration of Your relentless love for all people, until we reach that day when all of Your children have a good, healthy and affordable place to live. Thank You for those moments of transfiguration when we see Jesus in one another’s eyes. It is in Your name that we pray. Amen.
- How are you keeping Habitat’s core values and foundational principles alive in your organization? In what specific ways are you personally demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ during this Lenten season?
- Where is Jesus leading you to a new and transformative moment?
- How have you witnessed God’s radically inclusive love demonstrated recently?
Week 6
More than enough
By Jenny Williams
This devotion was originally shared in 2020.
They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
— Luke 9:17, New International Version
As we contemplate the journey of Jesus to the cross this Lenten season and prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter, let us reflect on how powerful the act of sharing can be.
In a world that is haunted by conflict, poverty and greed, we could be overwhelmed by the challenges. The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle story, apart from the Resurrection, recorded in all four Gospels. It’s a favorite Sunday school story, which teaches us so much about trusting in God’s goodness and about the need for us to be His hands and feet to bless others.
Recall that as the crowd swelled all around them, Jesus told the disciples to give the people something to eat.
I can imagine their disbelief. There were just too many people. They didn’t have anything to offer, and yet, when they trusted Jesus, not only were the people fed and satisfied, there was more than enough food left over. God will shatter our small expectations if we will only bring what we have. Little is much when God is in it. When we offer our lives sacrificially, God will use us in extraordinary ways.
It is indeed extraordinary that 29 million people worldwide now have better lives, thanks to Habitat’s ministry and thousands of small acts of faith.
I have had the privilege to spend International Women’s Day in Delhi for the past few years. Standing with women who have been economically and socially marginalized for generations is a humbling experience. There is so much need.
A few years ago, I met Ruby and her delightful family. In fact, I helped knock down their home because it had been built without a proper foundation — a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the poor. Yet Ruby was resilient and determined to build a better future. And she was happy to share all that she had.
Like the disciples in the Bible story, Ruby would say she had nothing to give. However, she gave us so much — a warm welcome, a willingness to share her life, and lovingly prepared chai tea every morning. I saw Ruby again last year and was thrilled to see that her family was thriving. I was able to buy some soap from the small shop they have opened on the ground floor of their home, which they had already extended upward.
Our mission statement — “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope” — speaks to the power promised to each of us when we fulfill God’s call on our lives.
As we look toward the cross and the Resurrection, we can be confident. The need is too big for us alone, but we are not alone. We follow Jesus, and we follow not as people who have it all sorted, but as people who trust in God’s mercy, grace and power.
Jenny Williams is the chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity Ireland. She is based in Lisburn, Ireland.
Lord of every time and place, help us to fully understand the incredible power of Your love, and may everything we do witness to the truth of the Resurrection. As we look to the cross, remind us afresh that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in each of us. More and more, make us the means by which prayers are answered in our communities and around the world. Amen.
- Jesus used the disciples to feed the hungry crowd. What can that teach us about working together?
- How can we use the gifts we have been given to reach out to others in our community and our world?
- What can we learn from those who have the least?
Week 7
God’s love in action
By Terrance Gattis
This devotion was originally shared in 2024.
God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.
— Hebrews 6:10, New International Version
While speaking about love, Mother Teresa offered these words: “Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.” Mother Teresa’s words remind us that love is not a noun, but rather a verb. Love is not measured by what we say. It’s measured by the actions we take and the service we render.
Lent is a time of preparation, self-examination and reflection as we journey toward the cross. It’s a time of hope and a time to remember the love that God demonstrated for us when He sent His Son to be our Savior. But how should we respond to God’s love? What actions should we take? The writer of Hebrews has given us an answer. We are to respond to God’s love by putting His love into action as we work to serve and help God’s people.
The practice of putting God’s love into action is what Habitat’s mission is all about. When we bring people together to build homes, communities and hope, not only are we helping God’s people by providing decent places to live, but we are also responding to the love that God has shown us by putting His love into action.
I was recently in Hendersonville, North Carolina, to speak at a prayer breakfast that was hosted by our Henderson County affiliate. I was blessed to see the new community that the affiliate has constructed, a community of 114 families and 400 children that includes parks, playgrounds and walking trails. When reflecting upon all the great work that this affiliate has accomplished, one can easily hear the words as recorded in the book of Hebrews: “God will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”
In closing, I am reminded of a song that I learned as a boy in church, “And They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.” This should be our focus during this season of Lent, that the world will know that we are Christians not by the crosses we wear, but rather by the people we help and by the work we do to put God’s love into action.
Terrance Gattis is global chaplain at Habitat for Humanity International. He is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Eternal God, we thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your Son to be our Savior. We thank You that through Jesus Christ, You have given us a model for what it looks like to put Your love into action. So, as we move through this season of Lent, we pray that You make us instruments of Your love. Continue to remind us that we are called to put Your love into action as we continue to serve and help Your people. Amen.
- What are you currently doing to help God’s people, and what more could you be doing?
- Can you reflect on a time when putting God’s love into action seemed difficult? What actions did you take?
- Can you describe a time when putting God’s love into action yielded a result that was greater than you expected?
Global Prayer Partners
Through the Global Prayer Partner program, we invite all who pray, whatever their religion, to join others around the globe in praying daily for Habitat’s work. By becoming a Habitat Global Prayer Partner, you will receive a special monthly email with prayer requests for Habitat programs, people and principles.