Your questions answered
Every day, we field questions from eager volunteers and people interested in learning more about how to get involved with Habitat for Humanity.
Over time, we have turned to experienced volunteers, staff and even Habitat for Humanity’s CEO to find the best answers to some of these questions. Here are a few of the most common questions that people ask, with links to answers from our experts.
How can I volunteer with Habitat?
Explore this quick rundown of several options for volunteering with Habitat.
Are there any tips out there for new volunteers?
Veteran Habitat volunteers give advice to help you prepare for your build site.
Where does Habitat build houses?
This slideshow showcases some of the locations where Habitat builds and links to a complete listing of the more than 70 countries where we are active.
How can kids help Habitat?
Here are some of our favorite examples of younger volunteers having fun and learning valuable life lessons at the same time.
How can I get involved with Habitat ReStores?
Browse this guide for shopping, donating to and volunteering at your local ReStore.
How should I pack for my Global Village trip?
These tips will help you get the most out of the build site and cultural experiences that every Global Village trip offers.
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