Habitat’s definition of decent housing includes access to clean water, something more than 40% of Zambians don’t have. By partnering with Habitat Zambia, many communities can now access clean, treated water.
For Topeka Habitat, Habitat’s Aging in Place program has become a cornerstone of their work — just as the population the program serves continues to be a cornerstone of strength in the community.
After their house was damaged during a violent storm, 10-year-old Oliwia and her family couldn’t live in their own home, play in their own yard and pick apples from their trees — until they found Habitat Poland.
Walter was overcome with emotion the first time he took a shower in his new bathroom that Habitat helped build — it was the first time the 81-year-old had a bathroom to shower in.
Habitat for Humanity knows that creating opportunities for affordable homeownership changes lives. See the data behind why we build around the world and the difference a decent home makes for families.