Habitat and the CAPABLE model

A person-directed, home-based program developed by researchers from Johns Hopkins University

As part of our innovative Aging in Place strategies, Habitat for Humanity implemented CAPABLE across five Habitat affiliates. This evidence-based model developed by researchers from Johns Hopkins University holistically addresses older adults’ needs  through performing home repairs and modifications as well as connecting clients with health care services and community resources.

Data shows that Habitat’s implementation of CAPABLE improves participants’ mental and physical health and helps both clients and health care services save on costs, all while empowering older adults to age in the communities of their choice.  

Download the full CAPABLE report, which gives an overview of our approach and evaluates the implementation of the CAPABLE model across our five Habitat affiliates.

CAPABLE saves money

With fewer emergency room visits and improved physical and mental health, implementing the CAPABLE model not only helps our clients save on health care costs, but it also helps lessen the burden on emergency health systems and social services. 

When followed up with 24 months later, one study showed the average savings for a CAPABLE participant was $22,120.

Data shows CAPABLE improves health

We know that safe and accessible housing is a key social determinant of health. The team at John Hopkins University conducted a report on the five communities where Habitat implemented the CAPABLE model.

The results revealed clinically and personally impactful changes:

  • Older adults could more easily complete their daily tasks, from eating and dressing to using their phone and shopping for essentials. They could more safely and easily leave their homes to greet their neighbors and engage with their community
  • Older adult’s risk of falls markedly dropped falls pose a crucial risk to older adults, endangering their lives and potentially costing them thousands in health care costs.
  • Their depressive symptoms lightened.

See the data below and in our CAPABLE Works report, and view a detailed overview of our affiliate’s success with CAPABLE.

A graph with an icon of an older person on stairs. Copy: participants' confidence in not falling increased by 15%.
Chart with an icon of an older man frowning. Copy: Depressive symptoms reduced by 30%.

Download the full CAPABLE report

Bridging the Gap guide

Habitat created the Bridging the Gap guide to help Habitat affiliates and our fellow housing organizations connect their home repair and home modification work with the health care sector for a holistic aging in place approach.

Learn more