A woman in a colorful sari smiles as she sits at a table with a colleague.

Co-fund a project

Invest in living conditions

When you co-fund a project, you help transform lives. By building housing, we build beyond the physical homes: adequate living conditions have a powerful impact on the livelihoods, health, education and more of households and communities.

Learn more about the wider impacts of housing (PDF).

Co-fund a new project

Habitat for Humanity has already pledged up to 20% seed funding. Our teams across Asia and the Pacific are looking for businesses or institutions to co-fund projects and multiply their impact. 

Contact us at [email protected] to learn more or arrange a video call.

See how new projects are designed, funded and delivered.

Benefits of becoming a co-funder

Advance your leadership agenda

Build Beyond helps business executives and impact investors achieve strategic objectives. Co-funders can:

  • Prioritize specific countries or regions.
  • Contribute to many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Realize corporate social responsibility ambitions.
  • Boost environmental, social and governance ratings.

Next generation leaders, especially Generation Z and millennials, are motivated by a purpose beyond profit. By investing in projects aligned with these generations’ values, businesses can attract and retain the best young talent.

Offering volunteering opportunities to employees can boost morale, build teamwork, and improve a businesses’ triple bottom line: financial, social and environmental.

See progress and results

  • Projects deliver measurable improvements within six months to two years.
  • Our teams publish regular updates, including video clips to show progress firsthand.
  • Visualized data gives co-funders clear evidence that their investments are making a difference.

Elevate your profile and reputation

Thanks to your generous support, we partner with families to transform lives and homes. This creates opportunities for co-funders to work hand-in-hand with Habitat’s brand, valued at $15.6 billion in 2017.

By partnering with Habitat, you can:

  • Stamp your logo on a project. Showcase your commitment by branding projects, leveraging multi-channel communications, and collaborating on press releases, newsletters, and social media activations.
  • Invite our global experts to speak at your events.
  • Receive exclusive invitations to network with Habitat executives, industry leaders and government officials. 
  • Enhance your profile and reputation in society.
  • Increase brand loyalty and customer retention.


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