Policy successes by location and policy focus areas

In the first four years of the Cost of Home U.S. advocacy campaign, local and state Habitat organizations influenced 300+ policy successes.

The Urban Institute’s assessment of policy successes provides evidence that Cost of Home policy and systems changes created measurable transformation in housing affordability in communities around the country.

Check out our interactive maps below to see policy changes in your area and explore our successes by policy focus area and by location.


Local policy successes

Increasing supply and preservation of affordable homes

Equitably increasing access to credit

Optimizing land use for affordable homes

Ensuring access to and development of communities of opportunity

Statewide policy successes

Strategies for housing advocates to effect policy change

Habitat funded the Urban Institute to assess eight policy changes and conduct interviews with various stakeholders. Based on their findings, Urban Institute researchers found six key strategies for delivering policy and systems change at local, state and federal levels. 

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Database of policy successes

Urban Institute developed a searchable database of the policy successes and systems changes influenced by local and state Habitat organizations in the first four years of the Cost of Home advocacy campaign.

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