Habitat homeowner in hard hat, text reads "Making this a world where so many more families have a decent place to live."

Habitat for Humanity International and 84 U.S. affiliates receive $436 million gift from MacKenzie Scott

Habitat for Humanity International and 84 U.S. Habitat affiliates have received $436 million in unrestricted giving from American author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Habitat for Humanity International will use its $25 million portion of the gift to address the global housing crisis at scale and advocate for systemic change needed to increase equitable access to affordable housing. 

Read the full press release.

Building the Beloved Community

Habitat is working to create what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the Beloved Community” — we will do the work in our practices, our programs and our networks to put equity and justice at the forefront of our efforts and bring that mission to the communities in which we work.

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By partnering with Habitat, families and communities transform their lives with the incredible effects of safe and affordable shelter, including improvements in health, safety, child development, economic opportunity and educational achievement.

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