Our impact

Latin America and the Caribbean

Resolving the problem of adequate housing requires more than just the construction and rehabilitation of houses. We need to educate ourselves about the cause, and understand the laws, systems and practices that either permit or impeded equal access to adequate housing.

Housing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Here you will find resources and statistics about the housing situation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

You will learn that the region has the fastest urban growth in the developing world, with over 75 percent of the population residing in cities, and that a house is much more than four sturdy walls.

Disaster Response

In the face of disaster: Rebuilding lives and communities


In order to see a radical change in the housing situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, we have to do much more than help build and repair houses. We must educate ourselves and others, promote the cause of adequate housing and advocate to influence the systems, policies and laws that affect access to housing and infrastructure.

Financial education

With the support of Citi Foundation, Habitat for Humanity Latin America and the Caribbean has successfully implemented a regional financial education program for more than five years. Through the program, more than 17,000 low-income families have learned valuable skills about managing their household finances.

Online courses

In recognition of World Habitat Day 2009, we launched an online course that demonstrates the reality of poverty housing, and why a home is significantly more than four sturdy walls.

Follow the Martinez family as they move to the city, find a place to live, and begin the process of building a life and home.