Making an impact
Beyond International Women’s Day 2017’s call to make bold changes, Habitat for Humanity’s supporters are building a better future for families and the next generation.
Beyond International Women’s Day 2017’s call to make bold changes, Habitat for Humanity’s supporters are building a better future for families and the next generation.
Three million youth join Habitat for Humanity’s annual Young Leaders Build to speak out, raise funds and build decent homes.
The need for affordable and accessible homes take focus on the road to the 6th Asia-Pacific Housing Forum.
The first recipients of the 2018 Habitat Young Leaders Build advocacy grants aim to give voice to those in need of adequate housing through myriad ways.
International volunteers and families have a transformative experience at the Asia Build in Myanmar and Pacific Build in Fiji. Both events were part of the Habitat Young Leaders Build campaign.
In the four months since the launch of the 2018 Habitat for Humanity Young Leaders Build campaign, millions of people in Asia-Pacific are doing their part to PLAY LEAD SHARE.