Habitat for Humanity International announces new five-year strategic plan
Bangkok, 1 July 2013 – Habitat for Humanity International is embarking on a new five-year strategic plan that will help the organization further its mission to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. The plan will run through June 2018 and is aimed at expanding the organization’s impact on all aspects of affordable housing in the more than 70 countries where Habitat is at work around the world.
“We believe that housing is a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO, Habitat for Humanity International. “We believe for a family to thrive they must first have access to simple, decent shelter. There are 1.6 billion people in the world without adequate shelter, and the need continues to grow. Our new plan outlines the bold actions necessary for us to address this urgent housing problem. I am excited about our new plan and the difference it can make in the lives of people around the world.”
Habitat’s plan has three main components. The organization seeks to improve housing conditions for an ever-larger number of the world’s poor and low-income families; support and influence partner organizations to increase access to shelter and advocate for affordable housing policies; and mobilize hands, hearts and voices of volunteers in the cause of adequate and affordable housing.
To accomplish these goals, Habitat will continue to build, renovate and rehabilitate homes and cultivate community engagement in its work while growing capacity to serve vulnerable groups, those affected by disaster and respond to the ongoing housing needs of the urbanizing world. By the end of 2018, Habitat will help 1 million people annually improve their shelter conditions, effectively doubling the annual impact it has today.
Habitat will support efforts that increase affordable housing opportunities and promote policies and systems that advance access to adequate, affordable housing. By the end of 2018, Habitat hopes to create housing opportunities for 1 million people annually through market development and for 2 million more through its advocacy efforts.
The organization will seek to grow awareness of housing as a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty and mobilize volunteers for the cause of adequate, affordable housing. By the end of 2018, the organization seeks to double the number of volunteers engaged in its mission to 2 million people annually in supporting the cause of affordable shelter.
“With this plan as our foundation, our goal is to be a catalyst to improve housing conditions, partner with other organizations to increase access to affordable shelter and inspire others to action to end poverty housing,” said Reckford. “We invite others to join us.”