Creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live

BANGKOK, September 28, 2012: World Habitat Day, on 1 October, is dedicated to raising awareness of the dire need for adequate shelter. Habitat’s theme for World Habitat Day 2012 is “many homes, one community”, focusing not only on individual family transformations but also the growth of strong communities.

Across Asia-Pacific, Habitat for Humanity national organizations are engaged in a variety of different initiatives to mark the day. In New Zealand, a contest is being run for the best Habitat ‘house’ made of Lego bricks, and HFH Singapore are launching ST.O.P (Strike Off Poverty), a fundraising competition. Elsewhere HFH Korea’s goodwill ambassador and actor Seojin Lee will be making an appeal for donations in a video, while HFH Vietnam will hold its second consecutive photography contest. Our Sri Lanka team will hold an exhibition at the prominent ODEL department store, while HFH Cambodia will focus on promoting cleanliness in homes and communities.

You can also get involved by doing one, or more, of the following things:

  1. Sign the Pledge to End Poverty Housing.

  2. Observe The International Day of Prayer and Action for Human Habitat on Sunday, Sept. 30, as a prelude to World Habitat Day.

  3. Use one of our World Habitat Day banners as your Facebook or Twitter profile photo or add it to your blog or Web site.

  4. Tweet about your #WorldHabitatDay plans and about the global need for adequate shelter around the world.

  5. Include the World Habitat Day web banner as part of your email signature or sign-off for a day or more

  6. Join the World Habitat Day Facebook group.

  7. Use Habitat blue and green anywhere you can to promote World Habitat Day—wear it, paint it, light it up.

  8. Upload photos of how you are recognizing World Habitat Day 2012 to the World Habitat Day Facebook group or to Twitter or Instagram using #WorldHabitatDay.

  9. Tell us how you will recognize World Habitat Day 2012 by submitting your event or sending an email to [email protected].

  10. Look at the World Habitat Day 2012 resources available online for more ideas on how you can get the message out this World Habitat Day.

Together, we can look toward a world where everyone has a decent place to live.