HFH Mongolia Holds Curry Dinner In Aid Of Blue Sky Build In June

About 30 Houses To Be Constructed During Blitz Build, Part Of HFH Mongolia’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations

Guests at HFH Mongolia’s charity dinner held at a local hotel in Ulaanbaatar.

HFH Mongolia’s national director Charles Jolliffe appealing for support for the Blue Sky Build in June.

ULAANBAATAR, 24th March 2010: Habitat for Humanity Mongolia organized a charity dinner as part of the run up to its Blue Sky Build which takes place at the end of June.

About 60 guests from corporations, non-government organizations and international schools attended the aptly named “Curry for a Cause” which was held at a local hotel in the capital Ulaanbaatar. The dinner aimed to generate interest, raise funds and attract volunteers for the build which is part of HFH Mongolia’s 10th anniversary celebrations.

The program for Curry for a Cause included a fundraising auction of Indian attire for women and men, and Indian handicraft as well as six paintings donated by Mongolia’s arts council. Guests also bought “bricks” going at US3.50 each. At the end of the evening, nearly US1,750 was raised.

After whetting their appetite on the buffet spread of Indian curries and breads, the guests were treated to a classical Indian dance from a young performance as well as a song from HFH Mongolia’s goodwill ambassador Naran.

In addition to appealing for financial and volunteer support, HFH Mongolia took the opportunity to highlight the need for infrastructure for the Blue Sky Build community including a community center, children’s park, toilet facilities and pavement, among others.

HFH Mongolia’s Blue Sky Build will see 30 houses built over a week from 28th June to 2nd July 2010 in Ulaanbaatar. HFH Mongolia has recruited local singers Gankhuyag and Naran to publicize the event. They have agreed to write and sing a song featuring fusion music for Habitat.