Habitat’s Expo Experience Draws To A Successful Close * * * * 80,000 People Visit Habitat Stand
September 29, 2005
AICHI, 29th September 2005: By the time the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan ended on 25th September, Habitat for Humanity reckoned its stand had drawn at least 80,000 visitors and spread the word about Habitat to at least 300,000 people.
The Expo attracted more than 22 million visitors during the six months it was open.
The Habitat team estimates that in addition to the 80,000 people who stopped at its stand, a total of 300,000 Expo visitors received Habitat flyers or heard about Habitat at concerts and other special events.
Habitat’s presence at the Expo was aimed at raising awareness, advocacy and signing up volunteers and donors. About 230 Habitat volunteers from the US manned the stand and shared their experiences with visitors, inspiring 350 people to sign up to volunteer on future Habitat builds.
The stand had four components: a model of a poverty house; a model of a Habitat house; a brick-making workshop and an area where people could learn more about Habitat’s partners and how to participate in home-building. Visitors helped produce some 11,000 miniature bricks.
High-profile visitors have included Japan’s Royal family, the mayor of Yokohama, the CEO of Dow Japan, and performers from around the world. The stands sponsors included PacRim Japan, 3M, Costco, Dow Chemical, LG, Christian Academy and others.
Habitat’s presence at the Expo also received extensive media coverage. This included at least two live appearances on national television, several interviews on local and national radio, and national and local newspaper coverage.
Visit our news archive to read earlier stories about the Habitat stand at the 2005 Expo.
View photos of the 2005 expo.