Habitat Fiji Concert to “Raise the Roof” * * * * Fundraising Event Supports Global “Make Poverty History” Campaign
June 29, 2005
Making Poverty History: HFH Fiji staff members Liti, Reena, Saimoni and Cua show off their white wrist bands
SUVA, 29th June 2005: Habitat for Humanity Fiji is hoping to raise awareness and funds for its building programs with a concert here on 23rd July. If the concert is a sell-out, it could raise the equivalent of some US6,000 for HFH Fiji.
Concert goers will receive a white wristband with their tickets to show support for the Make Poverty History Campaign which includes the Live 8 concerts and a march to Edinburgh for the G8 Summit taking place earlier in July.
The Fiji show will be held at the National Gymnasium in the Fijian capital. The venue and equipment and being provided free of charge by the Fiji Sports Council.
Other supporters include Bula FM, Fiji’s top-rated radio station, which is helping organize and promote the concert.
“We have 3,000 tickets available for the concert, and we’re aiming to sell all of them,” explains Felicity Stafford, resource development co-ordinator for HFH Fiji.
“Tickets are going to be sold in Suva and the villages where we’re building, by both staff and Habitat homeowners.”
Concert-goers will be treated to a mixture of Fijian and Indo-Fijian bands as well as local female dancers.
Performers will include Delaisea, Fiji’s best-selling band, and other well known groups such as Kabu Ni O Delaniwai and Voqa Ni Delai Dokidoki.
“As this concert coincides with the global call to action against poverty,” explains Felicity, “we will include a white wristband with each ticket.
“There will be a short explanation of the significance of the white wristband and a request for all participants to wear it at the concert. We want to show of our support of the cause and to do our bit to help ‘Make Poverty History’.”
For more information about the concert and tickets, contact HFH Fiji at [email protected]