Young Sri Lankans Volunteer to Help Residents of Karaveddy

November 4, 2004

BATTICALOA 4th November 2004; twenty young volunteers from the Batticaloa affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, Sri Lanka, have helped to build three new houses in nearby Karaveddy.

Aided by local volunteers: new homeowners in Karaveddy

Kareveddy now has three new “Save & Build” program homeowners. Six savings groups have been formed in the area since 1997. Forty-two houses have already been completed and an additional 30 are under construction.

Widow Sivamani Yogarasa is one of the new homeowners. Her husband died aged just 40 after being detained by the military on suspicion of being a Tamil separatist rebel. Years of hardship have been alleviated with the new house. Shivamani is now running a small shop to generate an income.

Home for a growing family: residents of new homes in Karaveddy

Ponnhuchami Thurairetnam, his wife and two children, have now moved out of his father-in-law’s house which had no basic facilities, into a safe and clean home, suitable for a growing family.

The third homeowner is P Krishnapillai. He was living with five of his six children in a house that was too small to accommodate their basic needs. His new house has improved the living conditions of the entire family.

Completed: new home in Karaveddy