Habitat and Wells Fargo

Working together to increase housing affordability and create a better world

Habitat for Humanity and Wells Fargo have collaborated for nearly three decades, sharing a vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Since 2010, Wells Fargo has funded new home construction and critical home repairs, including providing support for older adults and veterans, and supported neighborhood revitalization and disaster response. Nationwide, Wells Fargo Builds helped families build or improve 386 homes in 2021.

Through the years, Wells Fargo employees have put on hard hats and picked up hammers to build alongside homeowners as they make their dreams of having a safe, decent and affordable home come true. Together, Habitat and Wells Fargo are committed to helping even more families gain greater access to affordable homes — and a brighter future.

We helped families build, rehab and repair 386 homes through Wells Fargo Builds across the U.S. in 2021.

Working together, we’ve served 1,285 people, including 395 first-time homeowners, 271 families of color, 27 veterans and 82 older Americans. We also prioritized green building practices when possible. Click different states to see highlights.

Making a difference for families through homeownership

Sara with her three children in hard hats.
South Carolina

Charleston Habitat for Humanity

Luz with her daughter and granddaughter on build site with shovels.
New Mexico

Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity

Jason carrying his young son on his shoulders.
New York

Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County

Chad and Courtney smile and hold their baby.

Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Teton Area

Alfie with her family on Habitat build site of their new home.

Beaches Habitat for Humanity

Tracee and Zach with their young son and toddler daughter.

North Platte Area Habitat for Humanity