Oct. 28, 2016 public statement
Habitat for Humanity International urges U.S. Congress to support funding for the HOME program
Washington, D.C. (Oct. 28, 2015) – Today a coalition of organizations, including Habitat for Humanity International, hosted a congressional briefing to encourage federal lawmakers to maintain funding for the HOME Investment Partnerships program, which is facing severe cuts. The proposed cuts would reduce HOME funding to approximately half of its fiscal year 2011 levels. As part of the briefing panel, Tony Gibbons, president and chief executive officer of Blount County Habitat for Humanity shared the impact the HOME program has had on the Tennessee communities served by his affiliate’s use of HOME funds.
“HOME is a unique federal housing block grant program designed to meet the needs of the lowest-income families across the country by providing grants to state and local governments to support affordable housing,” said Elisabeth Gehl, associate director of Federal Relations at Habitat for Humanity International. “Those grants are subsequently awarded to organizations, like Habitat for Humanity, not only to cover building costs and other housing expenses, but also to leverage the HOME funds to raise additional money for affordable housing. As the cost of housing continues to increase across the nation, it is more important than ever to maintain the resources appropriated to meet the housing needs of lower-income populations and help them with a foundation in which to build a brighter future”
Released at the panel, a new report entitled “Building HOME: The HOME Investment Partnerships Program’s Impact on America’s Families and Communities” analyzes the program’s economic impact in all 50 states—including job creation and local economic activity. The report features more than 100 HOME success stories from communities across the nation, including from Lafayette Habitat for Humanity in Lafayette, Louisiana. The briefing provided Congressional staff information about HOME’s impact in their state and examples of HOME success stories.
The report is available online.
Sign Habitat for Humanity’s petition to support the federal housing programs that help Habitat partner with families across the United States to build decent and affordable housing.