El Salvador

El Salvador

WebsiteA wireframe globe https://www.habitatelsalvador.org.sv
PhoneA smartphone +503  25106400


  • Habitat began working in El Salvador in 1992.
  • Individuals served in FY2022 –    72,715
    • Through new constructions–          1,405
    • Through housing rehabilitation –    140   
    • Through repairs –  8,030
    • Through incremental building       10,495
    • Through market development –      43,950
    • Through professional services –      8,695
  • Volunteers engaged in FY2022 –   756



Capital citySan Salvador
Population -- 6.3 million 
Life expectancy71 years
Unemployment rate 5%
Below the multidimensional poverty line26%  

The housing need in El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in the Central American region. It is also one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries, according to the country’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. Over 88% of the territory is at risk while a vast majority of the population, or 95.4%, lives in those areas.

Eight out of 10 Salvadorans live in inadequate conditions, according to an INCAE and Habitat for Humanity 2016 study. Based on data from the 2022 Multipurpose Household Survey, 39% of households nationwide live in overcrowded conditions. Many of these families do not have access to sanitation, clean water, education, financing to improve their homes, secure tenure of their property, or the opportunity to live in a safe, healthy and stable place.

How Habitat addresses the need

Building homes and communities
Habitat El Salvador builds affordable homes and enables families to make housing improvements, depending on their needs. Furthermore, each project is carried out in accordance with the national and international construction standards with three funding modalities: credit; credit subsidy; and subsidy.

Risk management and disaster response
Together with the authorities, partners, and communities, we carry out humanitarian response interventions through the rehabilitation and construction of housing (permanent or temporary), as well as the distribution of kits to vulnerable families affected by different natural disasters, and the provision of disaster relief supplies to municipalities and communities.

Green housing program
In order to provide low-income housing with bioclimatic design elements, we have implemented research initiatives to add renewable energy technologies, efficiency systems, and comfort in housing. This is with the support of national and international partners, affiliates, academia, international cooperation, and the private sector, among others.

Community project development
Our projects strengthen the development of communities in a comprehensive, innovative, and resilient way. Thanks to the support of volunteers and local and international partners, we reach more families through initiatives aimed at children, women household leaders as well as communities through income generation and other interventions.

What you can do


Donate at www.habitat.sv/donacion

The Global Village program has resumed builds in select locations in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Please visit habitat.org/gv for more information and updates.

Habitat affiliates in the U.S. support the international work through an annual tithe. For additional information, email [email protected] or contact your local Habitat organization.

Habitat for Humanity El Salvador, Col. General Arce, Cl. Jorge Domínguez H-4, San Salvador, El Salvador +503 2510 6400
Email: [email protected]       Website: habitat.sv       Facebook: habitatslv      

Instagram: habitat.sv       X: HabitatES



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