Did you know by donating your vehicle to Habitat you can help build and repair affordable homes while also helping the environment?

Since launching the national vehicle donation program, Cars for Homes, in 2005, Habitat has accepted over 160,000 vehicles for reselling or recycling, raising funds for Habitat to partner with local families to build stability and security that a safe affordable home allows.  

We make it fast and easy to donate a vehicle and you may qualify for a tax deduction. Your vehicle donations raised over $72 million in just the last five years! 

How to donate your vehicle:

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Start your donation today

“I chose Habitat for Humanity due to the wonderful work you do. There are so many places I could have donated but I understand what your organization does and wanted to be part of that, even if only in a small way.” — Maureen S., Nesconset, NY

“Bambi puttered barely running up the road to park at a friend’s ranch for six months, spiders webbing in her wheel wells, deer scratching itches with her mirrors, cherries dropping to join her red paint.  I turn her over gratefully to Habitat for Humanity to help create houses and meaningful work throughout our country.”   Emily G., Lower Lake, CA

“I could not believe I could donate my junk car and help Habitat for Humanity. It had been in an accident, but you still towed my car away quickly and easily!” — Connor M., Hartford, CT

“I hope this car can be used by someone who will restore it or use its parts.  In addition to my interest in alternative fuels, I am also hopeful that housing can become more affordable and that average people can improve their chances of owning a home.  Through the years, I have heard many great things about Habitat helping people in need of homes, and that’s why I’ve chosen Habitat to receive my donation.”  Ron E., Swainsboro, GA

Frequently asked questions

Donate your vehicle today

Start your donation online or call 1-877-277-4344 to donate by phone.

Planting the mustard seed

In the midst of grief, one family began a journey to healing by serving with Habitat. Donating their family car to the Cars for Homes program is their latest step.

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A gift of gratitude: Ernie’s story

It had been a year since Ernie, an outgoing 87-year-old U.S. Army veteran, had been outside on his own. After months of this kind of physical isolation, and months of encouragement from his social worker, Ernie applied for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell’s Critical Home Repair Program.

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