Habitat for Humanity affiliates and volunteers named ‘Pioneers in Excellence’ for their service and innovation in 2011
HGTV Personality and Carpenter Carter Oosterhouse, Habitat for Humanity and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America join Merck to Launch Build Smart, Breathe Easier
Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia and Tishman Speyer volunteers begin work on two homes using lumber from the 2011 Rockefeller Center ® Christmas Tree
Habitat for Humanity will assist tornado-devastated Moore, Okla., community with cleanup, repairs and new home construction
Statement from Habitat for Humanity International CEO Jonathan Reckford welcoming U.N. plan to eradicate extreme poverty, in part by focusing on the secure right to land
Random House and Habitat for Humanity celebrate picture book collaboration with a home build in Newburgh, N.Y., on June 7th