Connecting communities for a common cause in Wisconsin
Choosing to put aside rivalries, Wisconsin seniors from seven high schools raised more than 110,000 to build a home with Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat.
Choosing to put aside rivalries, Wisconsin seniors from seven high schools raised more than 110,000 to build a home with Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat.
Guillermo and Ivannia Carballo share the positive impact of their Habitat experience.
Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, answers questions regarding the importance and advantages of volunteering, both for those who serve and for the communities they impact.
Commissioned by Habitat Australia, the report “Rediscovering the Great Australian Dream” addresses the urgent need to improve homeownership for families with low incomes.
When families partner with Habitat for Humanity, home becomes a place of safety, security and strength.
CHICAGO, January 3, 2012 – For every new “like” on Valspar’s Facebook page, $1 will be donated to Habitat for Humanity to support the construction of simple, decent and affordable housing.