Tahlequah (RV25-0151) - RV25-0151

Apr. 06 - Apr. 20, 2025

Work schedule:
Monday through Friday. Times TBD by group
Type of work:

New Construction.  We anticipate setting trusses, sheeting roof, on one house.  On an adjacent house we will be doing interior painting.  Something for everyone.   

Parking location:
You will be parking at the Tahlequah Habitat ReStore. We offer free washer and dryer and a bathroom with shower. This is a beautiful area and the headquarters of the Cherokee Nation. We hope you will come.
Parking fee per night:
Electric: 50 amp, Water: At rig, Sewer: At rig
Max rig size:
Miles to job site:
< 5 miles
Spaces available: 3 of 5
Team leader:

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