General resources
Global Village FAQs
Read through Global Village’s most asked-about questions.
Team leader FAQs
Lead a Global Village team from your university, club, organization or friends and family network.
All volunteers traveling internationally are covered by Global Village’s travel accident and sickness insurance.
Payment and fundraising resources
- Program donation: Understand what the donation covers.
- Fundraise and submit donations: Find out when, where and how to pay.
- Cancellation and payment policies: We hope you will not have to cancel, but if you do, here is what you need to know.
- Corporate matching gifts: See how your employer can match charitable donations to Habitat for Humanity.
Our commitment to safeguarding
View our safeguarding orientation video, also available with Spanish subtitles, to learn more about what safeguarding is, how to recognize safeguarding violations and how to report them. We expect all volunteers to stand with Habitat to act in a way that promotes Habitat’s mission, respects the local community and ensures the safety of all participants.
- Volunteer code of conduct: As a Habitat for Humanity volunteer, you commit to abiding by this code of conduct while on your build.
- Volunteer Safeguarding Photo and Social Media Guidelines: As a volunteer, learn the best practices for sharing photos and videos publicly around your volunteer work.
- Raise a concern: Learn more about how you can raise concerns and confidentially and anonymously report an issue.