Disaster Response programs
Tornadoes in Georgia, Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina and Hurricanes Mitch and Georges in Central America were some of the Disaster Response efforts we worked on from 1996 to 2000.
Tornadoes in Georgia, USA
Sixteen homes were built during a blitz build for families who lost their homes to tornadoes in Camilla, Georgia.
Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina, USA
By 2002, Habitat affiliates in the state of North Carolina were able to build more than 60 recovery homes under the Hurricane Floyd Recovery Build program. Families who lost their homes when Hurricane Floyd hit in 1999 were back on their feet with the help of volunteers and other partners.
Hurricanes Mitch and Georges in Central America
In September and October 1998, Georges and Mitch, two of the most destructive hurricanes in recorded history, struck the Caribbean and Central America, killing an estimated 10,000 people and leaving nearly 1 million people homeless. Thousands more were missing or injured. The storms destroyed more than half of the vital infrastructure of several countries.
Habitat for Humanity International carried out its first significant multinational disaster response program, focusing on long-term recovery by helping victims build simple, decent, affordable and permanent housing. After 18 months of accelerated work in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, 4,951 Habitat houses were built.