Campus chapters
Learn about campus chapters and how to get involved within your local community.
What is a campus chapter?
A campus chapter is a group of students who are passionate about helping people build better lives for themselves and are ready to take the next step to lead the charge at their school to help fulfill Habitat’s mission. Each campus chapter is a student-led, student-initiated organization on a high school or college campus that partners with the local Habitat for Humanity to fulfill the four functions of a campus chapter.
What do campus chapters do?
Campus chapters set the foundation for Habitat’s work related to your school. This includes helping set up volunteer opportunities, educating your school and community around issues related to housing and Habitat, fundraising in your local area to support more housing opportunities and speaking with your community officials to prioritize shelter.
Campus chapters are guided by four functions:
- Direct service
Campus chapters partner with their local Habitat volunteering on new home construction, rehabilitation, rehab, neighborhood revitalization, Habitat ReStore and office tasks. - Fundraising
Campus chapters raise funds to support the work of their local Habitat for Humanity and Habitat for Humanity International. Chapters may contribute through various fundraisers in partnership with their local Habitat or toward the tithe program. - Advocating
Campus chapter leaders and members must advocate for affordable housing because building is only one critical piece to answering the need for affordable housing. Being a Habitat advocate means raising your voice to shape policies to serve people in need of decent housing. - Educating
Campus chapters educate others on their campus and in their local community about the importance and need for strong, stable housing and what Habitat does to increase access to housing solutions.
How do I start a campus chapter at my school?
Do you already volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and are ready to take your involvement to the next level? In order to gain access to greater resources and support, your group must partner with a nearby local Habitat organization. Your local Habitat will work with you to establish your chapter and set goals for the year.
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