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PhoneA smartphone +55  (813) 221-3137


  • Habitat began working in Brazil in 1992.
  • Individuals served in FY2022 –  6,140
    • Through repairs –            2,995
    • Through incremental building –   260
    • Through market development –   1,410
    • Through civil society –   1,475
  • Volunteers engaged in FY2022 –   325



Capital city -- Brasilia
Population 214.3 million
Life expectancy76.2 years
Unemployment rate -8.6%
Below poverty line29.4%

The housing need in Brazil

Brazil faces a quantitative housing deficit of almost 6 million homes. In addition, more than 25 million families are living in inadequate or precarious housing.

In urban areas, 35 million people lack access to drinking water; 14 million do not have trash collection services and 100 million are not connected to sewage systems.

The situation is worse in the rural areas where access to water is a privilege, unavailable to over 39% of the population.

How Habitat addresses the need

Housing construction and improvement

Housing is a constitutional right and fundamental to the development of families and communities. For more than 30 years, we have partnered with over 50,000 people to build or repair homes in urban and rural areas. We work with families to transform inadequate housing into safe and healthy homes so that they can build a better future.

Access to water and sanitation
The lack of access to water and sanitation for vulnerable populations has affected the health of millions of Brazilians for many years and the COVID-19 pandemic aggravated this situation. To address this problem, Habitat Brazil’s projects include the renovation of toilets, repair of water facilities, installation of community sinks, and construction of cisterns for rainwater collection and storage in urban and rural communities.

One of our objectives is to make an impact on the housing sector. Habitat Brazil believes that the discussion on decent housing and access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH, cannot be separated from the debate on the right to the city of the most vulnerable populations. Thus, we actively work together with other civil society entities to influence public policies and broaden the debate on the protection of slums and more sustainable and inclusive cities.

Networking and strengthening partnerships
Habitat Brazil acts as a catalyst within a national network of multiple stakeholders and partners to provide access to housing, water, and sanitation solutions for vulnerable Brazilian families and communities. We seek to strengthen civil society organizations and social businesses, as well as local entrepreneurship, grassroots community organizations and Habitat homeowners.

What you can do


Donate to transform the lives of Brazilian families at  


Under the Global Village program, builds have resumed in select locations in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Please visit for more information and updates.


Habitat affiliates in the U.S. support the international work through an annual tithe. For additional information, email [email protected] or contact your local Habitat organization.


Habitat for Humanity Brazil, National Office, Rua São Gonçalo, 118 – Boa Vista, Recife/PE, CEP: 50070-600
[email protected]     Phone: +55 81 3221-3137     Website:



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