Disaster Response programs
Our response in the wake of a disaster.
Habitat’s Disaster Response teams assess options for responding as quickly as possible. Habitat collaborates with community leaders, local government, humanitarian aid organizations and Habitat affiliates on a wide array of long-term and sustainable solutions.
Disaster Response also offers technical and organizational expertise in order to begin construction of transitional shelter and new housing, repairs and reconstruction as soon as possible. For response activities such as land preparation, construction activities and skills training, Disaster Response facilitates community involvement and support.
Habitat’s Disaster Response helps communities recover and regain the capacity to rebuild their lives and livelihoods. By giving the communities the means to rebuild, Habitat’s Disaster Response supports, empowers and helps families build recovery shelter and housing solutions. New, integrated communities are created, as well as new Habitat affiliates.
Long-term solutions
Disaster Response educates the public on various aspects of shelter and house construction and introduces disaster risk reduction concepts that allow families to protect themselves against future disasters.
Through our work, we foster partnerships and alliances with businesses, intergovernmental and multilateral organizations, nongovernmental organizations, churches and other civil organizations.