Habitat For Humanity Reaches Milestone: 400,000 Homes Built Or Repaired Since 1976

More Than 2 Million People Around The World Served Through Better Housing

A family taking a stroll at the 2009 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project site in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This family is among the record 74,960 families worldwide served by Habitat for Humanity in the fiscal year 2010.

ATLANTA, USA, 16th December 2010: Habitat for Humanity surpassed its 400,000 house milestone during its most recent fiscal year.

Since the non-profit organization was founded in 1976, its self-help, hand-up model has resulted in rehabilitated, repaired or new housing for more than two million people worldwide.

“Over the last 34 years, Habitat for Humanity has steadily increased it scale and scope to help more families in need of decent, affordable housing,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International.

“In 2005 we celebrated our 200,000th house. Now, five years later, we have more than doubled that number thanks to the generous support of our volunteers and sponsors. It is a significant milestone and very encouraging, but we realize there is still much more work to be done.”

In fiscal year 2010, Habitat for Humanity served a record 74,960 families worldwide through a combination of new construction, rehabilitation and repairs

Habitat also helped an additional 6,355 families establish legal rights to a house or land, and provided more than 46,964 individuals with technical assistance ranging from legal help to construction advice or training.

“Throughout our history we have seen time and again that an affordable, safe and decent home is the gateway to better health, greater family stability and improved educational opportunities in every country where we work,” said Reckford.

“We are pleased that even in this difficult economy, Habitat for Humanity has been able to help an unprecedented number of families around the world have a better place to live. We are seeing great results from focusing not only on building individual houses, but also on repairing and rehabbing homes and creating partnerships that emphasize total community development.”

Habitat for Humanity celebrated its 300,000th home in 2008, its 200,000th home in 2005 and the 100,000th home in 2000.

By 2013, Habitat for Humanity hopes to assist 100,000 families annually with new or improved housing.

A copy of Habitat for Humanity International’s fiscal year 2010 annual report, “What We Build,” is now available online. The report gives a snapshot of Habitat’s work around the world.