HFH Indonesia Moves Closer To Serving 25,000 Families By 2009 Thanks To Motor Dealer’s Commitment
Sun Motor Pledges About US10 Donation From Sale Of Scooters
JAKARTA, 16th January 2007: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s aim to serve more than 25,000 families by 2009 got a fillip recently with a new commitment from first-time corporate partner PT Sun Motor Group.
In appreciation: Jusuf Arbianto (right), chairman of HFH Indonesia’s board, presenting a token of thanks to Nugroho Tjandrakusuma, director of Sun Motor, for the group’s commitment to the Love Indonesia Programs.
All ears: Indonesia’s Minister of Housing, M. Yusuf Asy’ari (right), being briefed about HFH Indonesia’s programs at the Jakarta seminar and exhibition.
One of Indonesia’s largest car and motorcycle dealers, Sun Motor unveiled three new two-wheelers by Italian company Piaggio - Vespa LX, Vespa Grandturismo 200L and Gilera New Runner 200VXR - in Jakarta on 11th January. After introducing the new models, Sun Motor announced that it would donate 100,000 rupiah (about US10) for each sale of one of these models to HFH Indonesia’s Love Indonesia Programs (LIPS).
Sun Motor’s three-year commitment will boost LIPS that look to increase HFH Indonesia’s capacity to serve more families and raise awareness of poverty housing issues. Last year in October, HFH Indonesia had organized the CEO Power Breakfast for corporate bigwigs in Jakarta. The event, which was part of LIPS, raised US233,000.
Emphasizing Sun Motor Group’s corporate social responsibility, director Nugroho Tjandrakusuma said: “This is our social commitment to less fortunate families who do not have a proper shelter. Together with Piaggio’s fan club, we are committed to help them (families) and build with them.”
Jusuf Arbianto, chairman of HFH Indonesia’s board of trustees, expressed his gratitude for Sun Motor’s commitment because it means more families will be served.
Earlier, from 9th to 10th January, HFH Indonesia was one of several non-profit organizations that took part in a Jakarta seminar and exhibition at the invitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Housing. At the event “Road Map of Developing Decent Private House for Low-Income Families”, HFH Indonesia put up an exhibition with photographs and information on Habitat programs and about volunteering with Habitat.
Among the participants were local community representatives such as Family Welfare Movement (PKK), government departments such as the national planning and development department, corporations like cement manufacturer Holcim, and non-governmental organizations such as UN-Habitat, German Development Cooperation (GTZ) that is involved in sustainable development and Dompet Dhuafa Republika, a local charity foundation.
HFH Indonesia’s booth drew the attention of the Indonesian Minister of Housing, M. Yusuf Asy’ari. He commended HFH Indonesia’s programs and showed interest in the workings of Habitat’s programs, the Save & Build model and size of the house.