LG Electronics Donates Money And Volunteers to Build Homes * * *12 Korean Families In Three Sites to Have New Homes This Summer

May 20, 2005

After the signing ceremony between HFH Korea and LG Electronics:

from left, LG Labor Union chairman Seok-choon Chang, LG vice chairman and chief executive Ssang-Su Kim, HFH Korea board chairman Kun Mo Chung and national director Chang-shik Lee.

SEOUL , 20 th May 2005: LG Electronics, one of South Korea ‘s best-known business groups, is providing money and muscle to build three blocks of Habitat for Humanity Korea houses in different locations this summer.

LG is to provide is a total of 720 million won (about US700,000) to pay for the construction of one four-family block in Chuncheon in the east of the country, and, further south, a second in Daegu and a third in Jinju.

In addition, each week during the construction, up to 70 LG executives and staff will be working as volunteers on each site. The first build took place at Chuncheon in mid-May.

“LG Electronics will step up its social contribution activities through continuing participation in Habitat programs, ” said vice chairman and chief executive of LG Electronics Ssang-Su Kim after a day of volunteer work at the Chuncheon site.

Kim plans to be back on a Habitat site soon “ I want to work on the roof again this summer. ”

The deal was sealed in an agreement signed by Kim and HFH Korea’s board chairman Kun Mo Chung.

Since it was formally incorporated in 1995, HFH Korea has built 722 homes, 396 in Korea and another 326 overseas. It has 12 affiliates, five student chapters in colleges and schools, and organizes volunteer builds. HFH Korea’s web site is www.habitat.or.kr