Women Build International
Women building, investing and advocating for simple, decent and affordable housing around the world.
Build with others on Women Build sites around the world
International volunteers and local homeowners learn about each other while they work together. Volunteers also interact with local groups addressing issues important to women in the community.
Join an international Women Build trip
Watch the Global Village trip listings for upcoming Women Build trips.
Organize your own Women Build trip
Are you an experienced Global Village team leader? If so, contact Habitat’s Global Village program for information on how you can lead a Women Build trip.
Women Build groups and individuals financially support Habitat’s international projects that help women, children and the disadvantaged living in poverty housing.
Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build sponsors projects in developing countries to help women, children and other people living in vulnerable conditions.
Learn about some of our international women-focused projects:
- Costa Rica and Mexico: Women Build partners with Habitat’s Latin America and Caribbean office to strengthen and empower women in Costa Rica and Mexico through home-based entrepreneurial ventures. This project aims to improve the livelihoods of 1,200 families through home improvements and micro-enterprise projects.
- Haiti: Women Build partners with the Artisans Business Network to develop a women’s craft cooperative in Haiti. Twenty-five women have received training on how to create decorative ornaments. They have used the money from the sales of their ornaments to buy school uniforms and books for their children as well as extra food for their families.
- Nicaragua: Women Build is in a joint partnership with Cars for Homes and Habitat Nicaragua to support microenterprise and sanitation projects for female-headed households. The microenterprise project provides women in Esteli, Nicaragua, with resources and training to start a small business. In the extremely impoverished community of San Cayetano, we’re funding a project to build eco-toilets and provide training in healthy habits.
Watch these videos of builds in Nicaragua
Women and children face many obstacles to safe, secure homes.
Women Build supports Habitat’s advocacy programs by collecting information on the challenges that face women worldwide, particularly property rights.
Women Build forms partnerships with organizations in developing countries to assist them in bringing the full rights and responsibilities of homeownership to women.
Lend your voice on behalf of women and children
Help us advocate for secure property rights for women, decent homes for orphans and access to basic services for the disadvantaged.
- Join with Habitat’s government relations and advocacy team: Be an advocate.
- Get information on effective advocating by emailing [email protected].
Please donate now
Families who partner with Habitat for Humanity are extremely grateful for your help.